Friday, November 22, 2013

Elastic Heart

21/11/2013 - Thursday

Spent my day at home trying to do productive things such as cleaning my room and getting my assignments done. During the night, I went to tafe to do some extra work there. Afterward, I went over to Tony's for a movie night with the group. We watched Insidious and since I have seen it, it was quite boring but still fun watching it with the group ! After the movie, we chilled for abit before we headed to Oxley Maccas to eat. Bumped into Toan and Chuong there. 

They wanted to race me so I did and ended up beating Toan. Afterward, I was driving to Danchi House in Sunnybank and those two followed me all the way there from Inala just to egg my car.... Fcken losers ! I hate them so much ! 

22/11/2013 - Friday

Work was okay today. After work, I went to church then went to gym with most of the people from the group yesterday. It has been so long since we gathered at the gym as a group. It was somewhat fun ! Chilled afterward and just talked about Tuesday event.

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