Saturday, November 10, 2012


I managed to become the Pokemon Master in Pokemon White 2 today while at work ! While fighing the elitle four, my batteries were dying and I didn't save :( but I am glad the batts last the whole way until I became the Pokemon Master :) :) The rain today was quite nice, didn't get much customers thought but got some good buys so that was good :) 

Rebeca told me that I am going to Supanova with her tomorrow and I have to cosplay... Allnight, I have been cosplaying cramming ! So much stuff to get prepared ! Went over to Mande's to get my wig that I left there. Cutting and Styling this wig is such a pain in the ass so I gave up since I stuffed it up ish. Sighhh. The boots that I have is like size 13ish and my feets are size 5.... oh god, Why is there lowest size so big?

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