Friday, November 9, 2012

Trust And Believe

Time to not be lazy and start an awesome life !
My 3DS ran out of batts at work today :( Managed to get to the Pokemon League :) Almost there to becoming a Pokemon Master in White 2 :L Went over to Anh Phap's house to pray for Tuannie's 100th day. Prayed then chilled and eat snacks there. Went to eat Thai food at Vy's workplace with Mymy, Vincent, Pumba and Martin. Haven't took Martin out in so long ! On the way back to my place, I was in the boot of Vincent's car and he was driving everywhere :L It was abit bumpy... wait It was so bumpy ! Chilled at mine for awhile then we headed to 7/11 for our free slurpee ! 

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