Sunday, November 18, 2012


Eevee Family !
Went to youth and it was alright. Jenny, Mymy and Pumba made desserts for us :) Yum ! but it was too sweet though. So much sugar ! After youth, Vincent and I headed to Teresa's party at St. Marks. We got there late and I thought everyone was already there. Turns out, barely anyone was there LOL Played Batminton and chilled heaps ! Ate then just talked and played cards. 

Randy wanted to see my sword... LOLLOL. Myvy, Hannah, Ronnie and Randy headed back to mine and chilled. It was funny how we tired to abandoning Randy's at mine. Came back to St. Marks and chilled more. I went into Joshiah car boot and got driven to Lavender Street and got dropped off there with Myvy and Randy and we had to walk back. Walked around the school with Randy and Ronnie. Got driven home by Myvy and got ready for church. 

Got to church and it started to hail ! We all got into the church and I sat with the youth group since everyone has to wear uniform. Got moved around like 5 times since little kids were coming late and I sacraficed my chairs for them. Turns out, I was sitting outside in the rain then it rained too hard so I was standing up for the whole of mass. And btw, Congrats to the kids who got there First Communion ! After church, we ate there and chilled. Went out to JustSoy for desserts and chilled at Maccas. Talked heaps !

 I was meant to go to Muchikens night or Movie Night right now but sadly, I haven't finish with my studies yet :( I still have tafe for another three weeks or so :( I hate tafe ! 

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