Saturday, November 24, 2012

I miss you

Soz for my shitting mood !

Bus'ed it to the city with Mande, Hannah and Anthony. Walked all the way to Oaks Aurora apartment for Jessie's 18th Birthday. The party was alright. Dranks, Taboo, chilled and hung around and ate. Taboo was funny LOL There were good drinks there too ! Good party ! Alot of people left and only some was planning to go clubbing. I was all prepared for clubbing... turns out, I left my wallet in Mande's bag and Mande was already on her way to the bus stop. I had to run all the way to them LOL. Such a long run man ! So tiring ! Had to run back to the apartment aswell ! 

Cabbed it to the Met with Jessie and Lynne for clubbing at Memory ! YAAAY ! :) Got in and started dancing like a boss :L Met up with my youth group there and danced with them. Mymy took me home and we had Maccas on the way home. 


Woke up for work LOL managed to wake up as always. I was quite dead at work since for the past 4 days, I have had like 4 hours of sleep.... :( Left work early to go out with my uncle family. They took me to Juipters Casino to have dinner and watch a show. We ate at Food Fantasy which was good ! Drank Casino Royale cocktail there and it was good. 

Went and played Blackjack with my uncle for awhile while we wait until it was time to go into the show. I managed to doubled my money I was planning to play with ! Won $100 ! YAAAY ! Haven't felt this good in awhile :) Thank you Casino for giving me back my $100 !Went back and met with the kids and wife. We watched Tap Dog and it was unexpectedly good. Better than what I expected it to be :) Thank you Uncle/Aunty for taking me out for my 19th Birthday :) 

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