Thursday, November 22, 2012

Turn Around


Woke up at 2am and got ready for my baker job. OMG ! It was so tiring and hot ! Making breads and pies and all that other bread stuff ! Hands were so dirty ! The oven was so hot but luckily, there was a cold room :) I got super tired at like 5ish and felt like going home to sleep but I can't :( Came home at 9 and chat LOL Haven't had much sleep yet :(

Went to city with Mande, Randy and Ronnie to get a gift. We ate at Shabu Shabu which is an all you can eat sushi/hotpot place. It was a good feed. Afterward, Mande and I headed to the train station since we needed to go to Corinda to pick up her sister while Ronnie and Randy stayed in the city to get another gift. 

When we got to the train station, we forgot what train we had to catch LOL Good thing is that we hopped onto the correct train. Got off the train then walked all the way to Corinda State School to pick up her sister. Got to the bus stop and turns out, we missed the 102 bus therefore we had to wait for an hour for the next bus to come. Just sitting there, talking and waiting :( 

Got to Inala and we chilled at Tony's for awhile with Hannah, Ronnie, Tony and his cousin. Ronnie, Mande and her sister left so I chilled with the other two's while teasing Ken (Tony's cousin).

Headed to Mt Ommaney with Tony's family and Hannah. Went around getting clothes for Jessie's tomorrow. Hannah chose my shirt and we chose her dress haha. Talked about Vietnam with her and Ken and OMG ! I wanna go back to Vietnam right now ! Someone take me there ! Chilled at Mt Om for awhile while we waited for Tony's mum to finish shopping.  Still no sleep after all this walking around. Got home and I was so tired but sleep is for the weak ! Gonna stay awake until I drop dead ! 

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