Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Happy Birthday Thuuuu !!

Tafe was actually alright today. Got there and all we did was assignments for the first lesson. For lunch time, Mark, Trent and I went back to Trent's place to eat and play more Call of Duty ! We managed to get up to round 7 in the zombie version now :) We are getting better ! Yaaay ! 

Went back to tafe for class again but I left quite early to go take my Step-Grandma to the airport since she's going back to Melbourne. Went with Daddy and mah brother. After dropping her off and saying our byebye ! We headed to DFO and did some shopping.

After gym tonight, Kevin, Huy, Hieu and I chilled at Maccas for abit before we head home. Tomorrow is my only day off and I am going to try and be as productive as I can be :) 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


I woke up late today and went to tafe an hour late but oh well, I didn't miss out on much :) Tafe was okay today. Did our first exam then we had an hour and a half gap so we ended up getting Pizza since it was cheaper Tuesday. After getting the pizza, we went back to Trent's place to play Call of Duty Zombie version. It was fun :) Paolo wasn't that good at it but Mark and Trent was as good as me :) 

I didn't really do much at home today. Watched Chronicle and it was an alright movie. The movie was based on the moving cameras the whole time. Pretty much like Blair Witch Project. 

Another day of tafe until a 4 days weekend ! I can't wait ! 

Monday, July 29, 2013


This is going to be quite a long post aswell ! Sorry ! I have been too tired to post ! I needa get back to posting everynight now ! SOZ ! 

Some photos will be at the bottom of the page
25/07/2013 - Thursday

Went to eat Pork Gravy Roll with Hoa and Chung at Darra. We chilled there for like an hour before we all head off. Hoa and I headed to the city and we went to park at the casino but then, they had this stupid rule now :( We had to play for an hour :( So we ended up playing and won $150 each :) Toan came aswell and he loss. 

We went around shopping at the city for Thieu Nhi stuff and bumped into Linda and Nikki. On the way back, we realised Toan didn't play for an hour so he couldn't get free parking so we played more. I won an extra $50 while Toan loss :( Home we went afterward.

At night, I went shopping with Huy and Hieu at Indro. Drove his car and dammn ! It was so hard ! His clutch was like wtf ! We got to indro and holy crap ! It changed so much ! They wasn't much shops there so we went to Garden City afterward. Managed to do some good shopping and wow ! They had a new escalator there and it was awesome ! The new Multicolour Black Edition ! It had lights and it has different smells at each part of it ! So coool ! Afterward, Hieu and I went to cas to eat and we totally forgot about the 1 hour thingo so we had to stay back and played :( I went down but ohwell, I got $200 before so I pretty much even out :)

26/07/2013 - Friday

Work was alright. I spent most of the time reading The Sacred Blacksmith Manga Randy lent me. It was quite good ! Good humor in it aswell. After work, I had dinner at home with my family :) Nam came over and asked me for a lift home. After I took him home, I picked up Mymy then headed to pick Vy up. We waited outside for like 20 mins until she got ready LOL. 

And off to Pumba's place for dinner ! I was mainly helping with the cooking and that there since I ate already. We pretty just chilled there for awhile until it got boring so I got most of us to come outside and played Hide & Clap. It was funny as ! The first game, Hoa was it so we blind-folded him up then we all ran to hide. I climbed up a tall tree and stayed up there. 

Hoa heard my claps from the tree so he came and hugged the tree LOLOL. He cirlced around it many times but couldn't find out where I was  :L I was just on top of him :L The last game, Tam was it and I told everyone to run inside the house haha. We lured him in there too ! It was so hilarious ! 

Mymy, Vy and I went home early since we were tired. 

27/07/2013 - Saturday

Work again ! But this time, I bought my iPad out to study some of my PT stuff. Managed to finish two lessons out there :) Ate subway with Vincent at break time. Chilled with the three kids who always come out there. They kept fighting to play my iPad and iPhone :L Had to tell them to take turns lol. 

Afterwork I picked Hoa up and we went to Maccas to get Happy Meal's just to get the minion toys LOL. We are such kiddos ! Chilled at mine for awhile before we head to Mymy's place for her going away party. Got there and they was no alchy :( So we took Mymy's car and got some :) The party was goood ! I drank so much though ! And GOON omg ! Four Kings failed though but Gooooon ! hahaha. Chilled and just mucked around alot ! I think I got borderline drunk :( It was a good party :) Bye Bye MYMY ! We will miss chuuu ! 

Walked home at like 1 and walked around my street for awhile. Didn't sleep at all :( I ended up texting Mymy most of the time. Both of us couldn't sleeep ! 

28/07/2013 - Sunday

Then it was church time ! Then Thieu Nhi time ! Oh during lunch break, there was this one kid who is always hyper active so Linh and I got him to run around with us alot to make him tired. But damn, he has tons of energy like me back then :) Mymy came and ran with us and it started to run so Linh and the kid headed back to shether while Mymy and I run around the whole massive church. It started to pour harder and we were soaked but we kept going :L It was fun ! Running in the raaain ! Yaaay ! 

We were selling girly headbands and hairclips to the kids and parents so we could use the money to donate to the poor orphanage in Vietnam. During the seconds lesson, I punished my kids who didn't do their homework by making them be models for the fundraising event. --- Pictures will be below :) ---

After youth, Most of the Ht's, Dt's and the older Ns's went down to the cemetaet to visit Anh Tuannie.Got there and prayed for him then we chilled for awhile. Afterward, my Brother and I took the NS boys out to Inala to eat while some of the others went to Sunnybank to eat. 

Later on during the night, we headed to Anh Phap's house to Pray for Anh Tuannie since it has been one year since his death :( I miss him too ! Aswell as my Grandpaaa ! After praying we had snacks and pizza and we chilled. Also gambled abit there and I managed to get a profit of $13 :) Yaaay ! 

29/07/2013 - Monday

Tafe was alright. Spent half of the day doing assignments then read manga during the lunch breaks. Then Bob came back to teach us and it was boring and useless like always :( Drove Dragondeep to Sunnybank then home I went. Mymy and Vy came over to print they dinner coupon before they head to dinner. Nothing excited happened tonight. 

The cool Escalator ! 

 MiiMoH ! 
 Oh lookie ! Its Mymy's mummy ! :L 

Now it's time for the naguhty kids who didn't do their homework.
They are sooo cuteeee ! :L :L 

                                         KHOA !                                                      DONG !

                             KHOA  !                                               TAI !

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

OP dude

Had a late start for tafe today so I spent my morning cleaning up and doing stuff that I had on my to do list. Also went for a short glossary shopping trip. Tafe today was okay ish, I tried my hardest not to get distracted and pay 99% attention to the teacher for four whole hours :) I am glad I did it :) 

Nothing much happened after tafe. Just the usual thing at home. Oh, I managed not to take a nap today :) I am proud of myself today ! 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Sorry peeps ! I've been busy and haven't been able to blog since I didn't get my room for a couple of days : (
19/07/2013 - Friday

Work was :( After work, I went over to Randy's to have dinner with our group. We ate pasta that Randy cooked and also Ha cao. We decided to do cold rock style ice cream with tin tam's. It actually taste pretty good ! While Mande, Hannah, Randy and Ronnie was playing Animal Crossing, Anthony and I played Naruto then everyone else played :) It was so fun ! I love Naruto games ! Still the King of Naruto :)

I got called and I forgot I promise some of the Tn guys I would go to Yum Cha with them... ehhh I didn't wanna go but a promise is a promise... So I left Randy's place and drove all the way up to Big Gun just to see Chuong and the rest. We chilled there and I left early with Mymy and Johnnie. Dropped by Mymy's place to drop off her stuff. 

20/07/2013 - Saturday
Today was my Grandpa One year Death Aniverssary :( I miss him sooh much ! Work today was better than yesterday but still boring as always. Chilled with Vincent and Tony for awhile and also Little Long. When I was packing up, the two little kids came again. Hii Vy and Thredore ! They wanted to help me pack up :) soooh cuteee ! 

Afterwork, I went over to Huy's house to pray for our grandpa and also ate there. Thu and I went to pick up Linh from home and we had her house keys so we decided to scare her hahaha. Sneaked inside the house and bam ! Scared her ! :L it was funny ! At the family gathering, we were just chilling and mucking around pretty much. Afterward, most of the older cousins went to watch the Conjuring at Sunnybank. They all got scared except me :L haha maybe I used to scary movies nowdays ! The story-line was good :) Came home and my parents was still awake talking to my Aunty who came from Canberra. 

We just talked for hours and hours until we got really tired at one point and all went to bed. I had to sleep on the ground LOL. It was quite cold but I am tank guisee ! TANK ! 

21/07/2013 - Sunday

Woke up early and headed to church. After church, my family all met at my house then we all drove down to the cemetery to Visit our Grandparents. I also visited Tuannie down there. After praying and visiting them, we headed back and I went to youth late with a few of my cousins. Got there and taught. I also brought a bag to Thieu Nhi today ! First time bring a bag in ages ! :) 

After youth,I declined going out with my youth friends to eat so I took my little cousin home and we had nothing to eat at home :( I ended up taking him to Inala and letting him pick what to eat. He wanted Pho99 so we ate there ! He eat pretty messy LOL. I had to clean up for him and eat his left over. We met the youth peeps at another restaurant on the way back. Chilled with them for awhile before we walked around Inala visiting his sister and our uncles and aunty at Inala.

We came home and chilled. Thu came over afterward and we just chilled. I then took a quick nap in my room then bam ! All the kids came and I couldn't sleep :( We had another family gathering at my house. This time, we had ribs and other foood ! :) Yummy ! We played on the Wii afterward and it was fun :) The adults were watching old videos of themselves when they were small :L 

22/07/2013 - Monday

Yaay ! Tafeee... ehhhh it was boring but, everyone was here :) I managed to stay for a whole day today ! 9-5 :) Congrats Lammie ! Came home and took a quick nap before dinner. I decided to go to bed early at 9 today but I couldn't sleep till 1ish... damn you sleeping pattern ! 

23/07/2013 - Tuesday

Tafe again ! Arghh ! During lunch break, Trent, Mark and I decided to go get Pizza since it was cheaper Tuesday :) We headed to Trent's place which wasn't far and ate there while playing Call of Duty, it was fun :) 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Dark Knight

Work today was boring since I had no net :( Ended up texting a few people. oh and Mande, Tien, Hannah and Teresa came out and visited me for abit then back to work :( There was so many poilice officiers at Inala today. Something must have been going on. I saw like more than ten different ones and they were looking around and talking to people about something. 

They then met up together and talked us a group then head off somewhere...After work, I came home and edited my grandparents photo then went to Harvey Norman with Daddy to print it out. Came home and got a call to go over to Tony's for games night. Games night was alright tonight. There wasn't much people tonight. Just Tony, Hannah, Anthony, Randy, Teresa and Tien. We played Taboo first then Dixit. We were mainly just chilling and talking for most of the night :L 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Murder It

Tafe was okay today, spent most of my time on my iPad reading Bleach :) I haven't been reading it for awhile and wow ! It's sooo goood ! If only the anime kept on going :( Went to Inala after tafe to do some shopping before I headed home. My Step Grandma came back to Brisbane today ! Welcome baaack ! 

I decided not to go clubbing tonight and stayed home. My aunty and uncle came over to chill with us for awhile. I pretty much spent my night reading Bleach and installing softwares for dad's computer. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Back From The Dead

Went to tafe today and it was quite boring, and since my phone is low on Internet data usage, I didn't get to play with it :( I tried to listen and managed to listen to like 3/4 of what the teacher said :) During lunch break, Praya has Tekken 3 on his iPad and he can connect it to his ps3 controllers. We played Tekken for awhile then had a brilient idea. We connected it to the projector in class and Bam ! It was on big screen :) The others outside of the class heard the game and came in and played too ! The whole class was playing :L
It was so awesome and fun ! 

The teacher came in and was like, whose who's? Who's winning? haha, he let us played a few rounds before he started the class. After tafe, I came home to see a package on my desk. I opened it and Yaaaay ! It was my iPad that the Personal Trainer course came with :) YAAAAAY ! I have an iPad now :) Taught my dad how to use it... then he became addicted to it ahaha. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

World Go Boom !

Happy 19th Birthday Jack, Kiet, Tai and Alex !!

 13/07/2013 - Saturday 

Woke was boring like always ! Vincent came and chilled for awhile with me. Afterward, Long ( The little kid) played with me. We were just playing then Baaam ! Another two little kids came and played with me haha ! I think I am a kid magnet ! The little kid name was Vy and the little 4 year old kid was Thedore ! Such a cute name ! They were soo cute ! I bought them some bubble teaaa ! played Despicable me 2 on my phone and we took turns :) I looveeee KIDS ! 

After work, I picked up Hannah, Tony, Mande and Ronnie and drove them over to Jack's for his, Alex, Kiet and Tai's 19th Birthdaaaay ! They didn't had much alchy so Hannah, Mande and I went to get a bottle of Tequlia then I dropped my Car home and got Myvy and Tien to pick me up :) Time to paaartty and drink ! 

I haven't drank eversince Vy's party which was like 7 months ago.... The party was gooood ! I was mainly with Hannah drinking LOLOLOL ! I think I took about like 20ish shots :( but heeey ! I wasn't drunk !! I was just borderline drunk/tipsy ! Felt gooood ! Talked and chilled with a couple of people ! Made some new friends too ! Caught up with old friends :) I love them even though I rarely see them. I was dancing and running around and everything ! You say it ! Everything ! 

Kevin drove Hannah, Kt and me home. When I just got home, Hannah called and told me to get her shoes from Kevin so I walked to his house and got it. On the way back, I saw Mymy's house gate wasn't close so I called her. She told me to close it and I did :) This was at like 12:30 ish. I always bumped into a tree on the way back hahaah. I wasn't sober yet :( 

Got home and watched a few anime and talked to a few people before I tried to sleep but I couldn't :( Damn you Redbull and ALCHY ! I HATE YOU BUT I LOVE YOU AT THE SAME TIMEEE ! 

14/07/2013 - Sunday

Youth was alright, I kinda went easy and talked to my class more than what I taught them LOL. They got me side tracked cause they talked about Corinda and asked me questions about the teachers there :( but I did, mainly to teach them a few stuff :) 

After youth, we had a short meeting and sighhh, I just got more jobs to do now :( I am the leader of the Funfest team :( I have to organise for the Festival now :( I hate doing this ! After youth, I came home and watched a few anime until I took a nap. Woke up and I felt so goood ! So much enegry in meee ! 

15/07/2013 - Monday

I happened to wag tafe again :( Daddy woke me up to drive him to Bunnings to get some gear. Bumped into Hoa there :L Afterward, I headed to DFO with Hoa and Kevin Le. We went around shopping and I managed to get a few items but ended up spending like $100 :( We finished shopping early so I decided to go over to Hannah's. I picked up Randy then we watched Pacific Rim at Brown Plains. We thought we were late so I ended up speeding abit. We got there just in time ! Got our seats and the movie just started :) Yaaay ! We didn't watch any second of any advertisement :) I expected the movie to be better but, it was okaay ! 

Hannah and I ate Sushi afterward and it was cheap ! Special - $8 for 5 ! Sweeet ! Cheap sushi is always the best :) Randy wanted to eat healthy food but he ended up getting Hungry Jack's LOL

I must not skip tafe tomorrow ! I will defs go ! 

Friday, July 12, 2013


Work today was really boring ! I didn't touch my phone much haha. Martin came out for awhile then Randy came out with his mummy. Afterwork, I went to church with my family then walked to the gym by myself :) I am not scare of the dark ! 

Ai-van called me to go over and help her beat a boss in Super Mario World on her old as console haha. It brings back so many memories ! I beat it for her then chilled for awhile until I weren't feeling well :( I am still not feeling well, my stomach is like fighting a demon atm :( my head hurts too ! What is this feeling!?

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Today I got woken up to go help my uncle deliver the keys to my uncle. Just on a normal family errand :) Came home and roughly washed and vacuumed my car. Did a few chores before I headed out to Inala for my cheap haircut :) It feels so refreshing with short hair ! Came home and helped daddy with editing my grandparents photos. Later on, I was meant to go jogging to Ai-van's place but my mood changed and I thought about life alot in the shower LOL. I swear, the shower is like the only time I think about life alot hahaha. 

Instead of jogging, i just laid in bed until two and I was so hungry and had to get something to munch on since I haven't ate anything all day. Mummy came home early today so daddy, mummy and I went shopping :) I haven't shopped with them in so long ! We went to Harvery Norman to print the photos then looked around. Went into Bunnings afterward to check out some stuff. 

Ended up in Oxley Aldi and the shops near there for grocery shopping :) Came home and I took a nap again :( Sighhh ! I can't afford to take naps anymore ! And yaaay work tomorrow :( 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


I skipped tafe today since it was useless and barely anyone was there. Went over to Vy's place to chill with her until Pumba told us to come try out a cafe with him in Jindalee. We got there and it was nicee ! The place was small though but it was packed with people. The food actually taste quite good :) We just talked and chill for awhile until I felt like going home. Drove Vy to the gym then headed home. Bumped into Mymy on the way home. 

I got home and had to do chores.... :( Took a quick nap then dinner. I haven't chill with Kevin for awhile so I walked over to his place and chill before we both walked to the gym.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013



05/07/2013 - Friday

While working, Anthony came out and stayed with me for the whole time I was working since he needed to sleep over to my house tonight and no one was home at mine :L Vincent came out and chilled with us for awhile until Nam came out and played Chess with Anthony. After work, Anthony and I picked up Vy and headed to Mary's 16th Birthday Party. The party was okayyy..... all these under age kids drinking LOL. So many LG's ! I think I am old now :( 

After the party, a couple of us left and met up with the Ht's at Runcorn. We then drove to Justsoy to get takeway and headed up to Anh Phap's to chill. It was so funny how we talked about camp stories :L Such good times :)
06/07/2013 - Saturday
Weeee work was so fuuuun ! lol jokes ! I wish it was ! Soooo boring ! Didn't really do much after work, just stayed home and did my thang. Oh, attempted to draw Yuna but I didn't finish it yet. Will finish it soon :)

07/07/2013 - Sunday

Went over to Trung Tam in the morning and we started making kites for our trip in the afternoon to Wynnum. The kite wasn't turning out good so a few of us went and bought kites :L I played with the kids there and helped them make doggy crappy kites lol. Sorry ! There wasn't much materials to make a good kite ! Sorry kiddos !

We all drove down to Wynnum and had lunch there before we went on our mission to catch Cockle and some other creatures that we could eat. We had fish & Chips there then chilled for awhile. Got to the lowtide area and fly our kites ! It was fun but a few of our kites got stuck onto a tree and I had to get it down :L I am so good at getting it down... a few of the guys don't know how to use a kite properly and I had to teach them lol. 

After kite flying, we went down into the mud to hunt for some foood ! We bought down three buckets full of foood ! Also caught some crabs :L Caught some small fishes but we let it go. It was quite fun :) We drove back to Chi Quynh's and a few of us helped clean and cook the food. Ate and I went home early.

Mymy came to pick me up for dessert afterward. Johnnie came with us. We ate at Snow Ice and yum ! Strawberries ! Saw Randy there :L

08/07/2013 - Monday

Woke up early and got ready for tafe. When I got there, it was only me and my teacher..... FML ! He didn't really want to teach much since he would be repeating himself when the rest of the class gets here so we just did revision. Another class mate came :) Yaay ! I am saved ! then he left since it was useless.... I left too LOL awww poor teacher ! I left to go sunnybank to do some stationary shopping and I met Thuan there ! He was having lunch with his uni friends.

Went to look for the computer store in Forest lake and it was right next to snap fitness. Got my daddy a hard drive since his hard drive in his computer blew up. Came home and spent some time fixing his computer and yaaaaay ! I fixed it ~! Now, he won't use my computer anymoree :)

Spent most of my time finishing Yuna drawing and I am done :) Stuffed up the face abit but it still looks good :) Time to go onto the next drawings !

09/07/2013 - Tuesday

Went to tafe again and today, there was an improvement. there was only four people in class :) Better than yesterday. We still did revision though... I left early again since the others also left. Didn't really do much tonight, installed some software's onto my daddy computer for him. Cleaned my room roughly so I won't get in trouble by parents :L Umm what else did I do? oh, went back on youtube in yonks ! I miss it ! 

Thursday, July 4, 2013



Last night, I woke up at 2ish and I couldn't go back to sleep :( WHY ! Today was an alright day I suppose. First thing was waking up to daddy voice to drive him to work. Came home and caught up on the stuff I needed. Did abit of chores until Mymy and Linda came over to pick me up ! I haven't seen Linda ever-since LBM ! So a good catch up with her :) Oh and it was sunny today ! Yaaay ~

We went to pick up Hoa then headed all the way down to Rochedale to look at Merticon Display Homes. We got this idea when Mymy and I went to look at Display Homes near Vy's place. We got there and omg ! I LOVE THE HOUSES ! It was so spacious and amazing ! There was one house that has a toilet and bathroom in every single room ! So there were pretty much eight toilets altogether in that one house ! Also have a swimming pool and BBQ area ! Outdoor bedroom and everything ! One day I would love to live in one of this house but it would be waaii too much effort to clean up :L 

We walked around looking at Plantation house and other ones. We were feeling really hungry so we drove all the way to Runcorn to eat Sakura Sushi. We meet up with Pumba and Vincent there but, the restaurant was closed :( Nuuu ! Not again ! 

Our next food hunting spot was Madtongsan ! It was quite a long wait until our food came but it eventually came and yum ! Walked around the place looking for ice-cream but we ended up in woolies getting drumsticks :) We drove home and Mymy and I took a long detour to take everyone home since everyone lived everywhere LOL and we lived in the middle of everyone ! 

Came home and I took a long as nap and woke up to preparing dinner with my family. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Sorry ! I am gonna blog vaguely since I am too tired and lazy to type so damn much LOL 
I will post pictures and edit this some other times... procrastination right dere ! 

27/06/2013 - Thursday

Woke up and rushed to get everything ready for camp. Had to go shopping everywhere ! I even had to get Mymy to offer me help :( Wasn't planning to get others to help but I needed it. The plan was to take two utes and Hoa's car up there with all of the stuff.... we failed. We had to call my uncle over to drive his ute and I also have to take my car up. 

Drove up there with Johnnie and it was funny how he overtook me and he didn't know the way so I had to over take him and speed up to 150km/h LOL. We got up there and had dinner. Chilled and play card before we started on working. 

Phap, Tham and I went back to Inala to get a few stuff from Mymy's and my place. We drove back to camp then we realised, we were missing more stuff at home so we had to drive back... zzzz sighhh ! Got back and Hoa, Anh Phap and I started to work on our stuff. 

28/06/2013 - Friday

We woke up really early and started working on the gate asap. No breakfast at all :( We didn't finish the gate in time so it didn't look as good as we planned it to be but it was still good :) I left the mermaid on top of the sign and forgot to take it down.... woopsie ! The water effects worked :) Yaaay !

So first day of camp officially started. I was the leader of Ban Ky Thuat and also the Truong Truc of Tiểu Trại Galilê which was the older group of kids. Also was in Ban Lua Thieng... so many positions :(

The first day, we had activies for them and also some learning lessons. Night time was the fun part ! We had the Thieu Nhi got talent ! Every group had to come up with a skit and present it. Some of it was quite funny and good :) Also had trivia night too ! 

29/06/2013 - Saturday

Second day was fun ! I was busy making the props for everyone and also working on the fire. It was raining and Anh Phap and I didn't know if we should do the fire outside or not... so we went to God in the tent and prayed for it not to rain.... As soon as we finished praying and stepped out... it started to pour hard but we were determine to keep going and have faith in god ! So we kept on working on the fire outside no mater what. #YOLO !

Since we were doing it outside, we made a Plan B and Plan C. Plan B was a mini-fire inside which has the same effects as the outside one and Plan C was a fake fire with cellophane paper and flashing lights. We were so busy doing all three plans ! I went and got the path they have to walk while being blindfolded.

We had mass during the day and Cha Ho and also Cha Nguyen from Sydney, The big boss of Thieu Nhi came. Martin, Mymy and I have officially became a HT during this mass. Now, we are no longer DT's, No longer appreciate teachers. Now, we are a leader... all that responsibility on my shoulders now :( And a few days ago, I was saying, DT 4 LYFEEE ! Vincent, Linh and Paul also became Dt's.

Latet at night, we got the kids to the fire place and we did a small skit of Abraham for them :L The fire worked successfully, Fire with Green, Pink, Red, Yellow, Orange and Blue flames :) During half way, it started to pour and we had to take them back into the hall and thank god, I finished Plan C so there was a fake fire :)

This night, I stayed up and did a small fire with potatoes with Anh Khoa, Anh Phap and Martin. We just talked about life and gave advice. D&M right there ! Afterward, Anh Phap and Martinn headed to bed while Anh Khoa, Anh Tuyen and I stayed up all night doing night guard. We were bored so we went into all the kids cabins and took everyone shoes and placed it onto of the roof. It started to rain so we took it down and mixed all the shoes into different bags and left it outside on their cabins :L heheheh ! They woke up and omg ! They face was soo funny ! "Anh Lam, someone stole my shoes" Hahaha, I was like, someone stole my shoes too ! LOLOLOL.

30/06/2013 - Sunday

Got the kids to wake up early for our Big Game. We did a plan B  for this since it was raining so we made the track and everything smaller and easier. Too dangerous for the kids to go far now :( I hate you rain ! The kids enjoyed the Big game :) Gave then some time to rest up afterward. I started to plan the next activities for them, it was meant to be some small games and an obstacle course but Phap and I talked and we changed it to a mud and slippy run combined with the small games. Tug-a-War and Apple Booble ! It was so fun ! Everyone got all messy and muddy ! We also placed paint on the ground so when they fall... GG LOL. Our goal for this camp was not to take a shower at all but we had to, after this activities :L 

Got everyone back on the bus and on their way home. While they were going home, a few of us stayed back to take down the tents and the bus. I drove Anh Thanh (Big Boss), Martin and Td home. We got back to Trung Tam and I helped unpack everything. Martin and I went home to rest for 10 mins until church start. Should have seen everyone who went to camp at church, our heads was like facing the ground most of the time LOL. I think I fell asleep like twice :L After church, Td and I went back to mine and waited for Mymy to pick us up to go have dinner with most of the youth leaders. 

We ate at Norman Hotel. The steak was tasty :) Mymy and I shared a rib fillet I think, Didn't know what she got LOL. Came home and my goal was to watch One Piece but, I failed and ko'ed on my computer LOL. Woke up and jumped into bed.

01/07/2013 - Monday

Got woken up by daddy and I had to drive him to work. Came back home and bam ! Fell asleep again till 12. Woke up and went to Trung Tam with Mymy so she could get he exams papers. Went back to mine and had lunch then we watched Man of Steel. Also picked Td up to watch it too ! It was an alright movie :) 

02/07/2013 - Tuesday

Went to the PCYC at Suncrop Stadium with Vincent to enroll into our Onfit Personal Trainer course. Time to become a PT :) We went back to Inala to have lunch then chilled for awhile. 

03/07/2013 - Wednesday

Pretty much worked the whole day. Pumba came out and visit me for awhile until he left. Then back to working :(