Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Sorry peeps ! I've been busy and haven't been able to blog since I didn't get my room for a couple of days : (
19/07/2013 - Friday

Work was :( After work, I went over to Randy's to have dinner with our group. We ate pasta that Randy cooked and also Ha cao. We decided to do cold rock style ice cream with tin tam's. It actually taste pretty good ! While Mande, Hannah, Randy and Ronnie was playing Animal Crossing, Anthony and I played Naruto then everyone else played :) It was so fun ! I love Naruto games ! Still the King of Naruto :)

I got called and I forgot I promise some of the Tn guys I would go to Yum Cha with them... ehhh I didn't wanna go but a promise is a promise... So I left Randy's place and drove all the way up to Big Gun just to see Chuong and the rest. We chilled there and I left early with Mymy and Johnnie. Dropped by Mymy's place to drop off her stuff. 

20/07/2013 - Saturday
Today was my Grandpa One year Death Aniverssary :( I miss him sooh much ! Work today was better than yesterday but still boring as always. Chilled with Vincent and Tony for awhile and also Little Long. When I was packing up, the two little kids came again. Hii Vy and Thredore ! They wanted to help me pack up :) soooh cuteee ! 

Afterwork, I went over to Huy's house to pray for our grandpa and also ate there. Thu and I went to pick up Linh from home and we had her house keys so we decided to scare her hahaha. Sneaked inside the house and bam ! Scared her ! :L it was funny ! At the family gathering, we were just chilling and mucking around pretty much. Afterward, most of the older cousins went to watch the Conjuring at Sunnybank. They all got scared except me :L haha maybe I used to scary movies nowdays ! The story-line was good :) Came home and my parents was still awake talking to my Aunty who came from Canberra. 

We just talked for hours and hours until we got really tired at one point and all went to bed. I had to sleep on the ground LOL. It was quite cold but I am tank guisee ! TANK ! 

21/07/2013 - Sunday

Woke up early and headed to church. After church, my family all met at my house then we all drove down to the cemetery to Visit our Grandparents. I also visited Tuannie down there. After praying and visiting them, we headed back and I went to youth late with a few of my cousins. Got there and taught. I also brought a bag to Thieu Nhi today ! First time bring a bag in ages ! :) 

After youth,I declined going out with my youth friends to eat so I took my little cousin home and we had nothing to eat at home :( I ended up taking him to Inala and letting him pick what to eat. He wanted Pho99 so we ate there ! He eat pretty messy LOL. I had to clean up for him and eat his left over. We met the youth peeps at another restaurant on the way back. Chilled with them for awhile before we walked around Inala visiting his sister and our uncles and aunty at Inala.

We came home and chilled. Thu came over afterward and we just chilled. I then took a quick nap in my room then bam ! All the kids came and I couldn't sleep :( We had another family gathering at my house. This time, we had ribs and other foood ! :) Yummy ! We played on the Wii afterward and it was fun :) The adults were watching old videos of themselves when they were small :L 

22/07/2013 - Monday

Yaay ! Tafeee... ehhhh it was boring but, everyone was here :) I managed to stay for a whole day today ! 9-5 :) Congrats Lammie ! Came home and took a quick nap before dinner. I decided to go to bed early at 9 today but I couldn't sleep till 1ish... damn you sleeping pattern ! 

23/07/2013 - Tuesday

Tafe again ! Arghh ! During lunch break, Trent, Mark and I decided to go get Pizza since it was cheaper Tuesday :) We headed to Trent's place which wasn't far and ate there while playing Call of Duty, it was fun :) 

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