Tuesday, July 9, 2013



05/07/2013 - Friday

While working, Anthony came out and stayed with me for the whole time I was working since he needed to sleep over to my house tonight and no one was home at mine :L Vincent came out and chilled with us for awhile until Nam came out and played Chess with Anthony. After work, Anthony and I picked up Vy and headed to Mary's 16th Birthday Party. The party was okayyy..... all these under age kids drinking LOL. So many LG's ! I think I am old now :( 

After the party, a couple of us left and met up with the Ht's at Runcorn. We then drove to Justsoy to get takeway and headed up to Anh Phap's to chill. It was so funny how we talked about camp stories :L Such good times :)
06/07/2013 - Saturday
Weeee work was so fuuuun ! lol jokes ! I wish it was ! Soooo boring ! Didn't really do much after work, just stayed home and did my thang. Oh, attempted to draw Yuna but I didn't finish it yet. Will finish it soon :)

07/07/2013 - Sunday

Went over to Trung Tam in the morning and we started making kites for our trip in the afternoon to Wynnum. The kite wasn't turning out good so a few of us went and bought kites :L I played with the kids there and helped them make doggy crappy kites lol. Sorry ! There wasn't much materials to make a good kite ! Sorry kiddos !

We all drove down to Wynnum and had lunch there before we went on our mission to catch Cockle and some other creatures that we could eat. We had fish & Chips there then chilled for awhile. Got to the lowtide area and fly our kites ! It was fun but a few of our kites got stuck onto a tree and I had to get it down :L I am so good at getting it down... a few of the guys don't know how to use a kite properly and I had to teach them lol. 

After kite flying, we went down into the mud to hunt for some foood ! We bought down three buckets full of foood ! Also caught some crabs :L Caught some small fishes but we let it go. It was quite fun :) We drove back to Chi Quynh's and a few of us helped clean and cook the food. Ate and I went home early.

Mymy came to pick me up for dessert afterward. Johnnie came with us. We ate at Snow Ice and yum ! Strawberries ! Saw Randy there :L

08/07/2013 - Monday

Woke up early and got ready for tafe. When I got there, it was only me and my teacher..... FML ! He didn't really want to teach much since he would be repeating himself when the rest of the class gets here so we just did revision. Another class mate came :) Yaay ! I am saved ! then he left since it was useless.... I left too LOL awww poor teacher ! I left to go sunnybank to do some stationary shopping and I met Thuan there ! He was having lunch with his uni friends.

Went to look for the computer store in Forest lake and it was right next to snap fitness. Got my daddy a hard drive since his hard drive in his computer blew up. Came home and spent some time fixing his computer and yaaaaay ! I fixed it ~! Now, he won't use my computer anymoree :)

Spent most of my time finishing Yuna drawing and I am done :) Stuffed up the face abit but it still looks good :) Time to go onto the next drawings !

09/07/2013 - Tuesday

Went to tafe again and today, there was an improvement. there was only four people in class :) Better than yesterday. We still did revision though... I left early again since the others also left. Didn't really do much tonight, installed some software's onto my daddy computer for him. Cleaned my room roughly so I won't get in trouble by parents :L Umm what else did I do? oh, went back on youtube in yonks ! I miss it ! 

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