Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Back From The Dead

Went to tafe today and it was quite boring, and since my phone is low on Internet data usage, I didn't get to play with it :( I tried to listen and managed to listen to like 3/4 of what the teacher said :) During lunch break, Praya has Tekken 3 on his iPad and he can connect it to his ps3 controllers. We played Tekken for awhile then had a brilient idea. We connected it to the projector in class and Bam ! It was on big screen :) The others outside of the class heard the game and came in and played too ! The whole class was playing :L
It was so awesome and fun ! 

The teacher came in and was like, whose who's? Who's winning? haha, he let us played a few rounds before he started the class. After tafe, I came home to see a package on my desk. I opened it and Yaaaay ! It was my iPad that the Personal Trainer course came with :) YAAAAAY ! I have an iPad now :) Taught my dad how to use it... then he became addicted to it ahaha. 

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