Monday, July 15, 2013

World Go Boom !

Happy 19th Birthday Jack, Kiet, Tai and Alex !!

 13/07/2013 - Saturday 

Woke was boring like always ! Vincent came and chilled for awhile with me. Afterward, Long ( The little kid) played with me. We were just playing then Baaam ! Another two little kids came and played with me haha ! I think I am a kid magnet ! The little kid name was Vy and the little 4 year old kid was Thedore ! Such a cute name ! They were soo cute ! I bought them some bubble teaaa ! played Despicable me 2 on my phone and we took turns :) I looveeee KIDS ! 

After work, I picked up Hannah, Tony, Mande and Ronnie and drove them over to Jack's for his, Alex, Kiet and Tai's 19th Birthdaaaay ! They didn't had much alchy so Hannah, Mande and I went to get a bottle of Tequlia then I dropped my Car home and got Myvy and Tien to pick me up :) Time to paaartty and drink ! 

I haven't drank eversince Vy's party which was like 7 months ago.... The party was gooood ! I was mainly with Hannah drinking LOLOLOL ! I think I took about like 20ish shots :( but heeey ! I wasn't drunk !! I was just borderline drunk/tipsy ! Felt gooood ! Talked and chilled with a couple of people ! Made some new friends too ! Caught up with old friends :) I love them even though I rarely see them. I was dancing and running around and everything ! You say it ! Everything ! 

Kevin drove Hannah, Kt and me home. When I just got home, Hannah called and told me to get her shoes from Kevin so I walked to his house and got it. On the way back, I saw Mymy's house gate wasn't close so I called her. She told me to close it and I did :) This was at like 12:30 ish. I always bumped into a tree on the way back hahaah. I wasn't sober yet :( 

Got home and watched a few anime and talked to a few people before I tried to sleep but I couldn't :( Damn you Redbull and ALCHY ! I HATE YOU BUT I LOVE YOU AT THE SAME TIMEEE ! 

14/07/2013 - Sunday

Youth was alright, I kinda went easy and talked to my class more than what I taught them LOL. They got me side tracked cause they talked about Corinda and asked me questions about the teachers there :( but I did, mainly to teach them a few stuff :) 

After youth, we had a short meeting and sighhh, I just got more jobs to do now :( I am the leader of the Funfest team :( I have to organise for the Festival now :( I hate doing this ! After youth, I came home and watched a few anime until I took a nap. Woke up and I felt so goood ! So much enegry in meee ! 

15/07/2013 - Monday

I happened to wag tafe again :( Daddy woke me up to drive him to Bunnings to get some gear. Bumped into Hoa there :L Afterward, I headed to DFO with Hoa and Kevin Le. We went around shopping and I managed to get a few items but ended up spending like $100 :( We finished shopping early so I decided to go over to Hannah's. I picked up Randy then we watched Pacific Rim at Brown Plains. We thought we were late so I ended up speeding abit. We got there just in time ! Got our seats and the movie just started :) Yaaay ! We didn't watch any second of any advertisement :) I expected the movie to be better but, it was okaay ! 

Hannah and I ate Sushi afterward and it was cheap ! Special - $8 for 5 ! Sweeet ! Cheap sushi is always the best :) Randy wanted to eat healthy food but he ended up getting Hungry Jack's LOL

I must not skip tafe tomorrow ! I will defs go ! 

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