Monday, July 29, 2013


This is going to be quite a long post aswell ! Sorry ! I have been too tired to post ! I needa get back to posting everynight now ! SOZ ! 

Some photos will be at the bottom of the page
25/07/2013 - Thursday

Went to eat Pork Gravy Roll with Hoa and Chung at Darra. We chilled there for like an hour before we all head off. Hoa and I headed to the city and we went to park at the casino but then, they had this stupid rule now :( We had to play for an hour :( So we ended up playing and won $150 each :) Toan came aswell and he loss. 

We went around shopping at the city for Thieu Nhi stuff and bumped into Linda and Nikki. On the way back, we realised Toan didn't play for an hour so he couldn't get free parking so we played more. I won an extra $50 while Toan loss :( Home we went afterward.

At night, I went shopping with Huy and Hieu at Indro. Drove his car and dammn ! It was so hard ! His clutch was like wtf ! We got to indro and holy crap ! It changed so much ! They wasn't much shops there so we went to Garden City afterward. Managed to do some good shopping and wow ! They had a new escalator there and it was awesome ! The new Multicolour Black Edition ! It had lights and it has different smells at each part of it ! So coool ! Afterward, Hieu and I went to cas to eat and we totally forgot about the 1 hour thingo so we had to stay back and played :( I went down but ohwell, I got $200 before so I pretty much even out :)

26/07/2013 - Friday

Work was alright. I spent most of the time reading The Sacred Blacksmith Manga Randy lent me. It was quite good ! Good humor in it aswell. After work, I had dinner at home with my family :) Nam came over and asked me for a lift home. After I took him home, I picked up Mymy then headed to pick Vy up. We waited outside for like 20 mins until she got ready LOL. 

And off to Pumba's place for dinner ! I was mainly helping with the cooking and that there since I ate already. We pretty just chilled there for awhile until it got boring so I got most of us to come outside and played Hide & Clap. It was funny as ! The first game, Hoa was it so we blind-folded him up then we all ran to hide. I climbed up a tall tree and stayed up there. 

Hoa heard my claps from the tree so he came and hugged the tree LOLOL. He cirlced around it many times but couldn't find out where I was  :L I was just on top of him :L The last game, Tam was it and I told everyone to run inside the house haha. We lured him in there too ! It was so hilarious ! 

Mymy, Vy and I went home early since we were tired. 

27/07/2013 - Saturday

Work again ! But this time, I bought my iPad out to study some of my PT stuff. Managed to finish two lessons out there :) Ate subway with Vincent at break time. Chilled with the three kids who always come out there. They kept fighting to play my iPad and iPhone :L Had to tell them to take turns lol. 

Afterwork I picked Hoa up and we went to Maccas to get Happy Meal's just to get the minion toys LOL. We are such kiddos ! Chilled at mine for awhile before we head to Mymy's place for her going away party. Got there and they was no alchy :( So we took Mymy's car and got some :) The party was goood ! I drank so much though ! And GOON omg ! Four Kings failed though but Gooooon ! hahaha. Chilled and just mucked around alot ! I think I got borderline drunk :( It was a good party :) Bye Bye MYMY ! We will miss chuuu ! 

Walked home at like 1 and walked around my street for awhile. Didn't sleep at all :( I ended up texting Mymy most of the time. Both of us couldn't sleeep ! 

28/07/2013 - Sunday

Then it was church time ! Then Thieu Nhi time ! Oh during lunch break, there was this one kid who is always hyper active so Linh and I got him to run around with us alot to make him tired. But damn, he has tons of energy like me back then :) Mymy came and ran with us and it started to run so Linh and the kid headed back to shether while Mymy and I run around the whole massive church. It started to pour harder and we were soaked but we kept going :L It was fun ! Running in the raaain ! Yaaay ! 

We were selling girly headbands and hairclips to the kids and parents so we could use the money to donate to the poor orphanage in Vietnam. During the seconds lesson, I punished my kids who didn't do their homework by making them be models for the fundraising event. --- Pictures will be below :) ---

After youth, Most of the Ht's, Dt's and the older Ns's went down to the cemetaet to visit Anh Tuannie.Got there and prayed for him then we chilled for awhile. Afterward, my Brother and I took the NS boys out to Inala to eat while some of the others went to Sunnybank to eat. 

Later on during the night, we headed to Anh Phap's house to Pray for Anh Tuannie since it has been one year since his death :( I miss him too ! Aswell as my Grandpaaa ! After praying we had snacks and pizza and we chilled. Also gambled abit there and I managed to get a profit of $13 :) Yaaay ! 

29/07/2013 - Monday

Tafe was alright. Spent half of the day doing assignments then read manga during the lunch breaks. Then Bob came back to teach us and it was boring and useless like always :( Drove Dragondeep to Sunnybank then home I went. Mymy and Vy came over to print they dinner coupon before they head to dinner. Nothing excited happened tonight. 

The cool Escalator ! 

 MiiMoH ! 
 Oh lookie ! Its Mymy's mummy ! :L 

Now it's time for the naguhty kids who didn't do their homework.
They are sooo cuteeee ! :L :L 

                                         KHOA !                                                      DONG !

                             KHOA  !                                               TAI !

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