Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Sorry ! I am gonna blog vaguely since I am too tired and lazy to type so damn much LOL 
I will post pictures and edit this some other times... procrastination right dere ! 

27/06/2013 - Thursday

Woke up and rushed to get everything ready for camp. Had to go shopping everywhere ! I even had to get Mymy to offer me help :( Wasn't planning to get others to help but I needed it. The plan was to take two utes and Hoa's car up there with all of the stuff.... we failed. We had to call my uncle over to drive his ute and I also have to take my car up. 

Drove up there with Johnnie and it was funny how he overtook me and he didn't know the way so I had to over take him and speed up to 150km/h LOL. We got up there and had dinner. Chilled and play card before we started on working. 

Phap, Tham and I went back to Inala to get a few stuff from Mymy's and my place. We drove back to camp then we realised, we were missing more stuff at home so we had to drive back... zzzz sighhh ! Got back and Hoa, Anh Phap and I started to work on our stuff. 

28/06/2013 - Friday

We woke up really early and started working on the gate asap. No breakfast at all :( We didn't finish the gate in time so it didn't look as good as we planned it to be but it was still good :) I left the mermaid on top of the sign and forgot to take it down.... woopsie ! The water effects worked :) Yaaay !

So first day of camp officially started. I was the leader of Ban Ky Thuat and also the Truong Truc of Tiểu Trại Galilê which was the older group of kids. Also was in Ban Lua Thieng... so many positions :(

The first day, we had activies for them and also some learning lessons. Night time was the fun part ! We had the Thieu Nhi got talent ! Every group had to come up with a skit and present it. Some of it was quite funny and good :) Also had trivia night too ! 

29/06/2013 - Saturday

Second day was fun ! I was busy making the props for everyone and also working on the fire. It was raining and Anh Phap and I didn't know if we should do the fire outside or not... so we went to God in the tent and prayed for it not to rain.... As soon as we finished praying and stepped out... it started to pour hard but we were determine to keep going and have faith in god ! So we kept on working on the fire outside no mater what. #YOLO !

Since we were doing it outside, we made a Plan B and Plan C. Plan B was a mini-fire inside which has the same effects as the outside one and Plan C was a fake fire with cellophane paper and flashing lights. We were so busy doing all three plans ! I went and got the path they have to walk while being blindfolded.

We had mass during the day and Cha Ho and also Cha Nguyen from Sydney, The big boss of Thieu Nhi came. Martin, Mymy and I have officially became a HT during this mass. Now, we are no longer DT's, No longer appreciate teachers. Now, we are a leader... all that responsibility on my shoulders now :( And a few days ago, I was saying, DT 4 LYFEEE ! Vincent, Linh and Paul also became Dt's.

Latet at night, we got the kids to the fire place and we did a small skit of Abraham for them :L The fire worked successfully, Fire with Green, Pink, Red, Yellow, Orange and Blue flames :) During half way, it started to pour and we had to take them back into the hall and thank god, I finished Plan C so there was a fake fire :)

This night, I stayed up and did a small fire with potatoes with Anh Khoa, Anh Phap and Martin. We just talked about life and gave advice. D&M right there ! Afterward, Anh Phap and Martinn headed to bed while Anh Khoa, Anh Tuyen and I stayed up all night doing night guard. We were bored so we went into all the kids cabins and took everyone shoes and placed it onto of the roof. It started to rain so we took it down and mixed all the shoes into different bags and left it outside on their cabins :L heheheh ! They woke up and omg ! They face was soo funny ! "Anh Lam, someone stole my shoes" Hahaha, I was like, someone stole my shoes too ! LOLOLOL.

30/06/2013 - Sunday

Got the kids to wake up early for our Big Game. We did a plan B  for this since it was raining so we made the track and everything smaller and easier. Too dangerous for the kids to go far now :( I hate you rain ! The kids enjoyed the Big game :) Gave then some time to rest up afterward. I started to plan the next activities for them, it was meant to be some small games and an obstacle course but Phap and I talked and we changed it to a mud and slippy run combined with the small games. Tug-a-War and Apple Booble ! It was so fun ! Everyone got all messy and muddy ! We also placed paint on the ground so when they fall... GG LOL. Our goal for this camp was not to take a shower at all but we had to, after this activities :L 

Got everyone back on the bus and on their way home. While they were going home, a few of us stayed back to take down the tents and the bus. I drove Anh Thanh (Big Boss), Martin and Td home. We got back to Trung Tam and I helped unpack everything. Martin and I went home to rest for 10 mins until church start. Should have seen everyone who went to camp at church, our heads was like facing the ground most of the time LOL. I think I fell asleep like twice :L After church, Td and I went back to mine and waited for Mymy to pick us up to go have dinner with most of the youth leaders. 

We ate at Norman Hotel. The steak was tasty :) Mymy and I shared a rib fillet I think, Didn't know what she got LOL. Came home and my goal was to watch One Piece but, I failed and ko'ed on my computer LOL. Woke up and jumped into bed.

01/07/2013 - Monday

Got woken up by daddy and I had to drive him to work. Came back home and bam ! Fell asleep again till 12. Woke up and went to Trung Tam with Mymy so she could get he exams papers. Went back to mine and had lunch then we watched Man of Steel. Also picked Td up to watch it too ! It was an alright movie :) 

02/07/2013 - Tuesday

Went to the PCYC at Suncrop Stadium with Vincent to enroll into our Onfit Personal Trainer course. Time to become a PT :) We went back to Inala to have lunch then chilled for awhile. 

03/07/2013 - Wednesday

Pretty much worked the whole day. Pumba came out and visit me for awhile until he left. Then back to working :(

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