Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Happy Birthday Thuuuu !!

Tafe was actually alright today. Got there and all we did was assignments for the first lesson. For lunch time, Mark, Trent and I went back to Trent's place to eat and play more Call of Duty ! We managed to get up to round 7 in the zombie version now :) We are getting better ! Yaaay ! 

Went back to tafe for class again but I left quite early to go take my Step-Grandma to the airport since she's going back to Melbourne. Went with Daddy and mah brother. After dropping her off and saying our byebye ! We headed to DFO and did some shopping.

After gym tonight, Kevin, Huy, Hieu and I chilled at Maccas for abit before we head home. Tomorrow is my only day off and I am going to try and be as productive as I can be :) 

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