Thursday, July 31, 2014

Can't keep up

Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation.
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Waking up early in the cold is so hard but I managed. Boring bus ride to uni as always. I had two lectures today and I must say, I did a good job at listing and taking notes :) Yaay ! Go Lam ! I gotta keep this up ! I cannot afford to slack off again. Had a workshop at the end and our group was meant to work on our assignment and we were so clueless :( The teacher isn't really a good teacher. He doesn't help out at all ! :/

It was peak hour after I finished Uni and I didn't really want to catch the bus home with traffic so I decided to go eat Mos Burger by myself :( I know, I am Mr Forever alone :( But I bumped into Christian there and had a short but nice chat with him :) 

Oh man, I think I am sick now :( I don't wanna be sick waaah ! What is medicine? I will sleep off this sickness ! I watched Hunter X Hunter : Last mission and it was an alright anime movie I guess.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Hand Art

In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.

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I didn't really do much today other than work and clean my room. Did read some lectures notes while at work which is a good thing ! On a side note, I have been making protein smoothies since I am back to working out :) Going to try to become fit and healthy again ! I can do it cause I am Lammieee ! I am really not keen for the long day of Uni tomorrow :(

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

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I had a prac at Uni today and it was pretty fun and quick :) We did some basic soldering and thank god I learnt that at Tafe :) So it was easy pesy for me. After the prac, I went around Windowshopping for awhile before I headed home. 

At night, I went to Church at St Marks since it was mass for Anh Tuannie. A couple of the Thieu Nhi leaders went. After mass, we all headed over to Anh Phap's place to pray and chill. It was pretty fun :) 

Monday, July 28, 2014

Paradise Sunset

If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made up of.

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26-07-2014 - Saturday

It was a busy Saturday this week. Work was pretty boring like always. After work, I got ready to go to Jack's 20th Birthday in the city. I picked up Kristy and we headed over to Randy's to meet up with the others. Walked to the bus stop and caughtt he bus to the City. We were so hungry so most of us split up to get food. I got Oporto with Tony and Ronnie while the others got KFC and Ramen. 

While filling our tummies with fatty foods, 2DN came and ate with us aswell. After eating, we had a long walk to Meriton Serviced Apartments to start the paaaarty ! Once we got there, it was so crowed cause everyone was in the living room. It was somewhat boring at the start but after a few shots ! The fun started to happens ! It was also great catching up and seeing old friends :) Especially the white guys that we used to go to school with :)

After the party ended, we had to cab it home and we have eleven people :( So we tried to squeeze and sneak all of us in to a 10 seater maxi cab but the drivers counted and found out I was on the floor :( So we got kicked out and ended up getting another maxi cab and a normal cab :( More money spent :( We came back to Randy's since our cars were there and I got driven home by Yennie. 

27-07-2014 - Sunday

Woke up feeling quite tired but I had my Thieu Nhi Commitments :( Chi Kieu came along and she helped me teach my class :) Yaaay ! Thank you Chi ! We didn't have church at Thieu Nhi so teaching time was alot longer than usual.
After Thieu Nhi, most of us headed down to the cemetery to visit Anh Tuannie since this week was his death aniversay week. He has been looking after us from up there :) After saying our hello to Anh Tuannie, we headed to Anh Andy's place for a BBQ and some sports. Mainly Touch Football and soccer. We couldn't spend too much time there since we all have to go to church tonight with our Thieu Nhi kids in our uniform. 

I drove Kristy back to mine so we could get ready for church. At church, Tham and myself have to seat on the altar with our kids. the bishop and priests. I really hate sitting there cause everyone can see us and we were on TV :( After the mass, we all headed into the hall for a celebration for the new Committee of Vietnamese Catholic Centre. I was given the task to giving flowers to one of the man in the committee.

After the celebration, most of us went to Sunnybank to eat and chill. It was a good night :) Alot of laugh happened and I stole alot of phones hehe. Looks like my Ninja skills are still with me.

28-07-2014 - Monday

My day off today and it was well spent :) I took mummy to Ikea and she love that place :) We spent ages shopping there which was good. Then we headed back to Inala for some grocery shopping. I came home and fell asleep while watching anime.

Later on at night, I went to play Pool with Hoc, Hieu and Kevin Le. It was somewhat fun ! It was a nice catching up with them too ! I really need to go and catch up with others.

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Here are some photos from the weekend

 Happy Birthday Jack ! [Only photo I took with him :( ]

 Hieu !
 Vi !

 Katie !
 Groupie !
 Cindy !
 Naughty Hoa !

 Matt Dyer ! Haven't seen him in years !

 Mandeee and Ronnieee ! 

 Kristy ! 
Apartment View :) 
Tony ! 

Thieu Nhi Sunnybank dinner sesh ! 

Saturday, July 26, 2014


Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.

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Today has been a somewhat busy day for me. First of all, I got picked up by Andy to go have a look at the camp site we will be camping in September with Thieu Nhi. Co Mai also tagged along to check out the kitchen that she will be cooking in. It was a long drive there and when we got there, the place was spaciousness. There had good facilities and also a good hall with alot of air-cons :) The downfall of this place is that the cabins are really far away from the facilities and they are really far away from each cabins too :(

So Andy and I planned to get some tents for the older kids to sleep in on the grass area which isn't too far from the hall. After our site visit, we went back to Inala to drop off Co Mai and picked up Chi Jenny to go eat Yum Cha at Parklands. We ate quite alot :) Had a good talk also :) Haven't seen and spoken to Chi Jenny in awhile. Had some Bubble Tea at Sakuraya afterward then home we went. 

When I got home, my dad asked me to take him to Indro to look at the new shops and new Indro. Being the awesome good son I am, I took him there even though I am so sick of that place. We explore all the floors and bought a few items. 

Afterward, I came home to rest abit before Andy came over to chilled for abit. We had news that we, Thieu Nhi leaders have to do something at the church tomorrow but we wasn't too sure what we had to do so Andy and Myself went over to the church to talk to the Ex Ban Phuc Vu to check things out but they had no idea too so we talked to Cha (Priest) Tunrs out that we gotta make a cover for the whole outside of church :( 

Afterward, I went to watch Dawn of the Ape with Vy and Randy. The movie was goood ! I enjoyed it :) Abit sad ish though but still good :) We had a really really late dinner at Malaya Conner and had some good talk and laugh :) 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Pink Sky

Leadership is about taking responsibility, not making excuses.
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First day but at uni and it wasn't fun but I managed to put 99% concentration into my first lecture today which is a good thing :) Gotta keep up this concentration for the rest of the year. After Uni, I went to Inala to chilled for awhile with my aunty before going with Thu to pick up her brother before we headed to watch Hercules ! 

I expected the movie to be alot better :( Wasted my money and time watching it ! Guys ! Don't watch this movie ! It isn't worth it ! While on the way home from Brown Plains, we were stuck in a long as traffic jam :( So many police cars just past us. So what happened was a truck hit this small car and destroyed it while the truck flip over and man ! I think the drivers past away cause the ambulance just drove off with no siren :( There were at least 5 toll trucks and 8 police cars :( RIP if the drivers did die.

Afterward, I came home to dinner and rest at home for awhile before I headed over to Hieu's to do some boxing training. It was pretty tiring but we will improve over the weeks. We are planning to do this once a week. Let's see how long we will last :L 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.

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Work was pretty slow today but towards the end, it was abit faster cause Linh & Kien came to visit me :) After work, I took my cousin, Huy to Ikea so he could get a new desk for his room. And maaan ! I love Ikea soo much ! I can't wait until I am rich and I have my own house ! After we managed to get the desk we wanted, we had to play a game in the carpark. It was a game to find my car :L After we played that game, we had to play another game :( This time, it was Tetris trying to fit the desk into my car. We managed somehow :) But then again, we're pro's ! 

Came home to dinner with my parents then pretty much chill all night cause tomorrow will be the start of an intense semester ! Uni tomorrow gaaaah ! But this time, I am ready and prepared to smash and conquer QUT again. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Rule your mind or it will rule you

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Today was a pretty productive day. Yaay ! I cleaned my room abit before heading to Inala to meet up with Hieu. We had subway and we planned to go play some basketball but sadly it started to rain when we got to the court so we ended up going to Indro to buy some sport gear at Rebel. We managed to get some boxing gears so we will be boxing sometime soon :) 

DFO Jindalee was our next destination cause Hieu wanted to get some Jordan's shoes. While shopping there, it rained so hard omg ! Felt like a storm :/ Afterward, I came home to get ready to go to this workshop about child abuse and protection. Learnt a few new things there that would come handy in life and teaching at Thieu Nhi. 

After a meet up, we always do something after so I just randomly jumped into Linda's car with the girls and we ended up at Market Square with the group. We had Yum Cha at Parklands but it wasn't to our satisfy so we went to eat more at Bungle Bungle. Had some good laugh today which was good :) 

Monday, July 21, 2014


It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.
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19-07-2014 - Saturday

Did the usual day at work today and nothing much happened at Inala. After work, I came home to get ready for my Grandpa 2nd year Death Anniversary praying/dinner session at my Duy/Dan house. It was actually pretty fun there :) At first, we played Basket Ball then soccer with the kiddies :) Some adult came in to join :) Then we prayed and had dinner and omg ! There was so much fooood ! My tummy exploded !

After dinner, we then played Table Tennis and some Fifa on the PS3 :) Cards was the next and last game we played. And 4 Kings happened but with water and it was still pretty funny even with water :) We gotta play that game alot more haha. After the party ended, I came home to teaching my aunty how to use her new iPhone for like 2 hours :( We stayed up to like 2am learning and teaching. She was a fast learner though. 

20-07-2014 - Sunday

Today was the start of the second semester for Thieu Nhi this year. My little kids told me lots of their stories and adventure they had on their holidays :) Sadly, they forgot most of the songs I taught them last semester so we did a quick refresh on what we learnt in the first semester. 

After Thieu Nhi, I drove all the way down to Goodna Cemetery by myself to visit my grandparents and Tuannie :) I miss them so much but I will see them again next week for Tuannie's 2nd year death Anniversary.

After visiting them, I drove out to Inala to find some lunch but I bumped into the TN crew at Anh Long's restaurant so I joined them. While eating, I came up with the suggestion to go play Tennis and so most of us went all the way to Springfield to play :) It was really fun ! We had a couple of games until we moved on to Basketball :) Good cardio sesh :) 

A couple of us then went to Andy's place to chill abit. Chi Lan-Anh was there and we had a good talk :) I then went home and rushed to church since today was the day my grandpa past away two years ago. After church, Ai-Van took me, Khang, Vi and Randy out to eat Yum Cha in the valley but unfortunately, it was closed at 8pm :( I have no idea why it was closed so early though. 

We then changed eating locations and headed to Wagaya and the food there was nice but quite expensive though. We mostly ate sushi there which was yummy ! After filling our tummies with food, we headed to the Ice Cream store and found out that we knew the owners there :) They go to church at Trung Tam :) They were so nice and gave us free sample :) Had a small and short walk around the valley at night time then we headed to the arcade for a few games then home we went ! 

21-07-2014 - Monday

Today was my day off from uni which was great :) Didn't have to go to Uni on Mondays :) Hmm, today I was planning to go to Indro to get some Sport gears. Randy and Vi tagged along and those two sure does shop alot :L After shopping at Indro, we headed to DFO in Jindalee and shopped more. Oh man, those two took forever in a store :( We managed to go through three stores in a span of an hour :( 

I didn't really do anything tonight since I am so broke nowdays :( I need to start saving up again ! 

Saturday, July 19, 2014


You're always a student, never a master. You have to keep moving forward.
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Nothing excited happened at work today. A couple of people came out and visit me :) Came home and had a couple of invitations to go out to places from different groups but I decided to stay home. And so, I have been home all week ! Achievement unlock !! Yeeeyeah ! 

Tonight, my aunty came from Canberra to Brisbane for my Grandparents Death Anniversary. She also brought along a guest and this lady is a pretty funny and cool lady :) We talked for ages and her jokes are pretty good :)  Spent my night with mah family which is good :)

Thursday, July 17, 2014


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Work today went by pretty fast cause all I did was read manga all day and serve my customers. While working, I went shopping with Randy for abit at Woolies. While shopping, we managed to get half of the items we needed and everyone got kicked out cause something was malfunctioning. So they kicked us out and gave us the items for free ! OMG ! Free ! If only I knew, I would had chucked in alot more stuff but oh well, Free food is still good :) 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Food Sleep Music

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I had work today but the good thing was that I brought my iPad out and read through "Assassination Classroom" manga most of the time. It's a pretty good manga :) Funny too ! 

I came home today to find out that half of the power in my house was off :( There was something wrong with our line so I went around the house turning off all of the power switches and the circuit breaker still clicked :( So we left it for awhile until my dad have to blowdry one of the switch cause somehow, water got into it. And then we finally have power again ! Yaaay ! 

Afterward, I went to Trung Tam for a Thieu Nhi - Ban Quan Tri meeting and we just talked about some future events and issues in TN and how we can come to solve it. The meeting went on for awhile and then home time ! yaay ! I just spent my night watching anime and playing some games. Gotta be more productive tomorrow :)

Orange Sun

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Last night, I couldn't sleep so I decided to watch a movie. I haven't watched a movie at home in awhile so it was pretty relaxing. The movie I decided to watch was a comedy one. "Just go with it" featuring Adam Sandler. I love Adam Sandler ! I'm going go download more of his movies to watch it in my last week of holidays.

So today I didn't really do much. First of all, I went to Lunch with Pumba, Hoa and Kiet at Hog's Breath cause of the $10 lunch special they had and I had to go to Indooroopilly to do some claiming at Medibank. Went around window shopping for awhile and bought nothing cause I am a poorbie :(

I came home and did some chores and fell asleep while watching anime. Woke up and did more chores and helped mum around the house. I was invited to go out and eat Bungle Bungle and dessert but I declined them and decided to stay home and be a good boy :)

Rewatched Code Geass and omg ! It's still a good anime ! One of the best storyline and ending ever ! 

Monday, July 14, 2014


7/06/2014 - Saturday

Cancelled work today so I could go to Anh Phoung and Chi Lua's wedding :) Went to the ceremony and it was kinda the same as Anh Andy's and Chi Lan-anh Ceremony. Afterward, I went over to Mande's place with Randy so I can return her jumper. We then headed to coffee club to eat then dessert at Wendy's. Yum ! Came home and rested abit before I headed to the reception ! It was pretty fun ! More drinking and dancing :) Yaaay ! Afterward, I went to their after-party but we didn't really drank much. We pretty much ko'ed and died :L

The days onwards, I am going to simplified it alot cause I forgot to blog :( I am deeply sorry future Lam who is going to read this :( 

  • Intense Exam week :( I died 
  • Watch alot of movies with Vi and Randy over the weeks
  • Practiced heaps of dances
  • Alot of all night happens
  • Slept over at the church for 2 nights and 3 days doing alot of work for the stage. 
  • Celebrated 30th years LBM for Thieu Nhi Savio
  • Prepared for HT camp
  • Shopping - Heaps
  • Clubbing
  • Went to HT camp and it was amazing
  • Work abit too
  • Went to Dreamworld for Kha's farewell
  • Games night
  • Lots of Sunnybank trips
  • BBQ - sports with TN
  • There was a few more things I did but I forgot :( Kara was another one of it :) 

I will post some photos up cause photos are worth like 1 millions words :) 
P.S. I will never slack off like this again ! Promiseee !