Monday, July 14, 2014


7/06/2014 - Saturday

Cancelled work today so I could go to Anh Phoung and Chi Lua's wedding :) Went to the ceremony and it was kinda the same as Anh Andy's and Chi Lan-anh Ceremony. Afterward, I went over to Mande's place with Randy so I can return her jumper. We then headed to coffee club to eat then dessert at Wendy's. Yum ! Came home and rested abit before I headed to the reception ! It was pretty fun ! More drinking and dancing :) Yaaay ! Afterward, I went to their after-party but we didn't really drank much. We pretty much ko'ed and died :L

The days onwards, I am going to simplified it alot cause I forgot to blog :( I am deeply sorry future Lam who is going to read this :( 

  • Intense Exam week :( I died 
  • Watch alot of movies with Vi and Randy over the weeks
  • Practiced heaps of dances
  • Alot of all night happens
  • Slept over at the church for 2 nights and 3 days doing alot of work for the stage. 
  • Celebrated 30th years LBM for Thieu Nhi Savio
  • Prepared for HT camp
  • Shopping - Heaps
  • Clubbing
  • Went to HT camp and it was amazing
  • Work abit too
  • Went to Dreamworld for Kha's farewell
  • Games night
  • Lots of Sunnybank trips
  • BBQ - sports with TN
  • There was a few more things I did but I forgot :( Kara was another one of it :) 

I will post some photos up cause photos are worth like 1 millions words :) 
P.S. I will never slack off like this again ! Promiseee ! 

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