Monday, July 21, 2014


It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.
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19-07-2014 - Saturday

Did the usual day at work today and nothing much happened at Inala. After work, I came home to get ready for my Grandpa 2nd year Death Anniversary praying/dinner session at my Duy/Dan house. It was actually pretty fun there :) At first, we played Basket Ball then soccer with the kiddies :) Some adult came in to join :) Then we prayed and had dinner and omg ! There was so much fooood ! My tummy exploded !

After dinner, we then played Table Tennis and some Fifa on the PS3 :) Cards was the next and last game we played. And 4 Kings happened but with water and it was still pretty funny even with water :) We gotta play that game alot more haha. After the party ended, I came home to teaching my aunty how to use her new iPhone for like 2 hours :( We stayed up to like 2am learning and teaching. She was a fast learner though. 

20-07-2014 - Sunday

Today was the start of the second semester for Thieu Nhi this year. My little kids told me lots of their stories and adventure they had on their holidays :) Sadly, they forgot most of the songs I taught them last semester so we did a quick refresh on what we learnt in the first semester. 

After Thieu Nhi, I drove all the way down to Goodna Cemetery by myself to visit my grandparents and Tuannie :) I miss them so much but I will see them again next week for Tuannie's 2nd year death Anniversary.

After visiting them, I drove out to Inala to find some lunch but I bumped into the TN crew at Anh Long's restaurant so I joined them. While eating, I came up with the suggestion to go play Tennis and so most of us went all the way to Springfield to play :) It was really fun ! We had a couple of games until we moved on to Basketball :) Good cardio sesh :) 

A couple of us then went to Andy's place to chill abit. Chi Lan-Anh was there and we had a good talk :) I then went home and rushed to church since today was the day my grandpa past away two years ago. After church, Ai-Van took me, Khang, Vi and Randy out to eat Yum Cha in the valley but unfortunately, it was closed at 8pm :( I have no idea why it was closed so early though. 

We then changed eating locations and headed to Wagaya and the food there was nice but quite expensive though. We mostly ate sushi there which was yummy ! After filling our tummies with food, we headed to the Ice Cream store and found out that we knew the owners there :) They go to church at Trung Tam :) They were so nice and gave us free sample :) Had a small and short walk around the valley at night time then we headed to the arcade for a few games then home we went ! 

21-07-2014 - Monday

Today was my day off from uni which was great :) Didn't have to go to Uni on Mondays :) Hmm, today I was planning to go to Indro to get some Sport gears. Randy and Vi tagged along and those two sure does shop alot :L After shopping at Indro, we headed to DFO in Jindalee and shopped more. Oh man, those two took forever in a store :( We managed to go through three stores in a span of an hour :( 

I didn't really do anything tonight since I am so broke nowdays :( I need to start saving up again ! 

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