Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Food Sleep Music

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I had work today but the good thing was that I brought my iPad out and read through "Assassination Classroom" manga most of the time. It's a pretty good manga :) Funny too ! 

I came home today to find out that half of the power in my house was off :( There was something wrong with our line so I went around the house turning off all of the power switches and the circuit breaker still clicked :( So we left it for awhile until my dad have to blowdry one of the switch cause somehow, water got into it. And then we finally have power again ! Yaaay ! 

Afterward, I went to Trung Tam for a Thieu Nhi - Ban Quan Tri meeting and we just talked about some future events and issues in TN and how we can come to solve it. The meeting went on for awhile and then home time ! yaay ! I just spent my night watching anime and playing some games. Gotta be more productive tomorrow :)

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