Thursday, July 24, 2014

Pink Sky

Leadership is about taking responsibility, not making excuses.
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First day but at uni and it wasn't fun but I managed to put 99% concentration into my first lecture today which is a good thing :) Gotta keep up this concentration for the rest of the year. After Uni, I went to Inala to chilled for awhile with my aunty before going with Thu to pick up her brother before we headed to watch Hercules ! 

I expected the movie to be alot better :( Wasted my money and time watching it ! Guys ! Don't watch this movie ! It isn't worth it ! While on the way home from Brown Plains, we were stuck in a long as traffic jam :( So many police cars just past us. So what happened was a truck hit this small car and destroyed it while the truck flip over and man ! I think the drivers past away cause the ambulance just drove off with no siren :( There were at least 5 toll trucks and 8 police cars :( RIP if the drivers did die.

Afterward, I came home to dinner and rest at home for awhile before I headed over to Hieu's to do some boxing training. It was pretty tiring but we will improve over the weeks. We are planning to do this once a week. Let's see how long we will last :L 

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