Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.

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Work was pretty slow today but towards the end, it was abit faster cause Linh & Kien came to visit me :) After work, I took my cousin, Huy to Ikea so he could get a new desk for his room. And maaan ! I love Ikea soo much ! I can't wait until I am rich and I have my own house ! After we managed to get the desk we wanted, we had to play a game in the carpark. It was a game to find my car :L After we played that game, we had to play another game :( This time, it was Tetris trying to fit the desk into my car. We managed somehow :) But then again, we're pro's ! 

Came home to dinner with my parents then pretty much chill all night cause tomorrow will be the start of an intense semester ! Uni tomorrow gaaaah ! But this time, I am ready and prepared to smash and conquer QUT again. 

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