Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Rule your mind or it will rule you

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Today was a pretty productive day. Yaay ! I cleaned my room abit before heading to Inala to meet up with Hieu. We had subway and we planned to go play some basketball but sadly it started to rain when we got to the court so we ended up going to Indro to buy some sport gear at Rebel. We managed to get some boxing gears so we will be boxing sometime soon :) 

DFO Jindalee was our next destination cause Hieu wanted to get some Jordan's shoes. While shopping there, it rained so hard omg ! Felt like a storm :/ Afterward, I came home to get ready to go to this workshop about child abuse and protection. Learnt a few new things there that would come handy in life and teaching at Thieu Nhi. 

After a meet up, we always do something after so I just randomly jumped into Linda's car with the girls and we ended up at Market Square with the group. We had Yum Cha at Parklands but it wasn't to our satisfy so we went to eat more at Bungle Bungle. Had some good laugh today which was good :) 

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