Monday, July 28, 2014

Paradise Sunset

If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made up of.

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26-07-2014 - Saturday

It was a busy Saturday this week. Work was pretty boring like always. After work, I got ready to go to Jack's 20th Birthday in the city. I picked up Kristy and we headed over to Randy's to meet up with the others. Walked to the bus stop and caughtt he bus to the City. We were so hungry so most of us split up to get food. I got Oporto with Tony and Ronnie while the others got KFC and Ramen. 

While filling our tummies with fatty foods, 2DN came and ate with us aswell. After eating, we had a long walk to Meriton Serviced Apartments to start the paaaarty ! Once we got there, it was so crowed cause everyone was in the living room. It was somewhat boring at the start but after a few shots ! The fun started to happens ! It was also great catching up and seeing old friends :) Especially the white guys that we used to go to school with :)

After the party ended, we had to cab it home and we have eleven people :( So we tried to squeeze and sneak all of us in to a 10 seater maxi cab but the drivers counted and found out I was on the floor :( So we got kicked out and ended up getting another maxi cab and a normal cab :( More money spent :( We came back to Randy's since our cars were there and I got driven home by Yennie. 

27-07-2014 - Sunday

Woke up feeling quite tired but I had my Thieu Nhi Commitments :( Chi Kieu came along and she helped me teach my class :) Yaaay ! Thank you Chi ! We didn't have church at Thieu Nhi so teaching time was alot longer than usual.
After Thieu Nhi, most of us headed down to the cemetery to visit Anh Tuannie since this week was his death aniversay week. He has been looking after us from up there :) After saying our hello to Anh Tuannie, we headed to Anh Andy's place for a BBQ and some sports. Mainly Touch Football and soccer. We couldn't spend too much time there since we all have to go to church tonight with our Thieu Nhi kids in our uniform. 

I drove Kristy back to mine so we could get ready for church. At church, Tham and myself have to seat on the altar with our kids. the bishop and priests. I really hate sitting there cause everyone can see us and we were on TV :( After the mass, we all headed into the hall for a celebration for the new Committee of Vietnamese Catholic Centre. I was given the task to giving flowers to one of the man in the committee.

After the celebration, most of us went to Sunnybank to eat and chill. It was a good night :) Alot of laugh happened and I stole alot of phones hehe. Looks like my Ninja skills are still with me.

28-07-2014 - Monday

My day off today and it was well spent :) I took mummy to Ikea and she love that place :) We spent ages shopping there which was good. Then we headed back to Inala for some grocery shopping. I came home and fell asleep while watching anime.

Later on at night, I went to play Pool with Hoc, Hieu and Kevin Le. It was somewhat fun ! It was a nice catching up with them too ! I really need to go and catch up with others.

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Here are some photos from the weekend

 Happy Birthday Jack ! [Only photo I took with him :( ]

 Hieu !
 Vi !

 Katie !
 Groupie !
 Cindy !
 Naughty Hoa !

 Matt Dyer ! Haven't seen him in years !

 Mandeee and Ronnieee ! 

 Kristy ! 
Apartment View :) 
Tony ! 

Thieu Nhi Sunnybank dinner sesh ! 

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