Thursday, August 28, 2014


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Woke up abit late today and missed my bus but there was always another bus 15 mins later :) Met David on the bus and had a good talk with him. We walked to Uni together again. I came late into my lecture but everyone looks like they were falling asleep anyways. 

After the lecture, my group spent the whole day working on our assignment since our demostration was in the afternoon. We rushed it so much at the end but didn't get the result we wanted. we managed to pull a six for the demostratoin :) Yaaay ! I thought we were gonna get a three or four :L I didn't even had time for lunch until we finished at 4. So I celebrated by myself at Mos burger :) 

Came home and rest for abit until I got called out to Sunnybank to eat and chill. We ate at Kingsfood and the food wasn't that great but there was good company :) Phap, Tham, Hoa, Randy and Johnnie was with us. Bumped into Martin there too ! oh and David Melara too ! who was with Justin and this other dude. The other dude was quite fun cause I came up to him and say, "Hey, long time no see mate" and he follwoed up and said, "how have you been" and all that ! I love people like that who plays along with you :)

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Green Glow

Friends are the people we choose
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Work was pretty boring today since I forgot to download manga's onto my iPad :( After work, I went to Uni to work on my group assessment with Leon and Craig. My main job was to solder the components and wires into the veroboard. It was kinda hard to get the super duper close ones not to touch each other. When we finished it, we tested it and it didn't work. We were like fck this and went home ! It's due in the arvo tomorrow so we have all day tomorrow to find the problem and fix it :) 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Yellow Flash

Just know, when you truly want success, you'll never give up on it. No matter how bad the situation may get.

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23-08-2014 - Saturday

I read the karate Manga at work again today. It's such a long manga ! About 200 and something chapters. Anthony came out to chill with me until I finish work. Thang was also out there for a bit. We came home and rest for abit before we headed over to Tham's place to celebrate her 21st Birthday ! Happy Birthday Chi Thaam !! At first, the party was abit boring since barely anyone was there but later, it was pretty hectic and fun ! Probably cause of the Alchy :L 

Played a few cards drinking game until the Hennessy XO came out ! Love Hennessy XO ! Thang and I got dragged to the dance floor and omg, it took us so much effort just to escape from the girls and outta that place ! There was also this girl who was competently gone on the floor... daaammn ! 

Stayed back till late with Thu and Linh and we pretty much sang most of the night. Pretty chill at the end of the party :) Here are some photos that was taken at the party.

Happy Birthday Thaaam ! 
Groupie ! 
 Tina ! 
Another groupie shot ! 

24-08-2014 - Sunday

I didn't get much sleep last night cause of the alchy. I woke up with light headache and journey into Trung Tam for Thieu Nhi. We taught really well this week and the kids listen to us more now :) Yaay ! After Thieu Nhi, we had a meeting then a mini-workshop ran by So who wants to get some answers to some religion questions. It was alright, that meeting and workshop.

Afterward, I had Pho there with a few of the guys then we headed over to kristy's place to help her with her Physics Quiz. It was mainly Joseph and I helping her. Afterward, we went over to Joseph's place to watch Spider-man, I fell like half asleep over there was I was competently dead. I believe it wasn't the hangover that killed me but a flu :( Thought I had a long as hangover :L Mary was also there and we chill with her for awhile. 

25-08-2014 - Monday

Today was a busy as day ! I remodeled my room and put my new Desk in. It took so much effect to take everything out of my room and putting it back in. I also cleaned up every single drop of dust there was in my room :) My dad helped me out alot :) Thank you Daddy ! I absolutely died out later on though, it was so dusting and I had the flu :( The amount of times I sneezed was insane ! 

26-08-2014 - Tuesday

In the morning, I went over to Randy's to help him and Vi do their ALS bucket challenge. I was pretty evil to both of them :L and omg, I got nominated by Randy -_- We were hungry so being cheap asians, we went to buy steak to cook. It was alright. The meet was really chewy though. 

Came home and feel asleep cause I really need it and totally missed out on Uni... opps. Had dance practice tonight which was boring :( 

Friday, August 22, 2014

Red Blood

When you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do.

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Bumped into Cindy on the bus this morning and had a catch up with her :) I went and chilled with David for abit while we were walking to Uni from the city. It was also a nice catch up with him :) Uni was really tiring today. It rained :( I hate raining days when I am outside but I love the rain when I get to sleeep in :) Had a good talk with Dan from my group project while we were walking back to the city. 

Dance practice tonight was boring :( I don't wanna dance anymoreee ! Did alot of counting money tonight and more to do later on. Procrastinating right now and just being a lazy bum ! 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

How do you

You reach a point where you don't work for money.

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Today was a pretty busy and productive day. Woke up late knowing that I don't have an early lecture today since it was cancelled so I started to build my cabinet I bought from Ikea yesterday. It took me like an hour and a half just to build it. After become Bob the Builder, I had lunch with my daddy and headed to Uni. 

I managed to do quite alot of my assignment with my team members in my tutorial today :) We are slowly getting there ! Met up with Hoa after to go home together and we bumped into Oscar who walked with us back to the city. 

Once we got back to Inala, we went all the way to Anaconda to get some tents for Thieu Nhi. We met up with Andy and Chi Quynh there and bought four 13 people tent which cost us about $1300. They were also on sale ! 50% off ! Yaay ! 

We went back to Brown Plains to have a look at Chi Quynh's Nail store and also ate there. Chilled at the shopping centre for awhile before heading home. Came home to building my desk. Oh man, this one took longer but I certainly did things faster cause of the experience I got from building the cabinet :) 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Guns of Fury

Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
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Work was pretty boring today. I ran out of manga to read since I didn't download enough for work today :( After work, I took Huy and Thu to Ikea for a visit and we bump into Hoa & Td there :L What a coincidence :L I bought myself a desk and a draw but I am too lazy to build it tonight. When I got home, Thu chilled with me for abit before I headed to dance practice. It was an alright practice but I am not one bit motivated to dance this time. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Burning Headache

Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve.
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Had a long day today at Uni. I went up there for a group meeting and did alot of group work on our project that is due end of this week. We worked non-stop for like hours and we didn't even had lunch until 3:30ish. Our brains were dying ! We didn't do much progress cause this assignment is so frikken hard ! 

Came home to rest abit before I headed over to Vi's place to chill with her, Thu and Linh. We played cards and just talk pretty much. Headed out for deep fried ice-cream after before we headed home. 

Monday, August 18, 2014

Fix You

And know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time.
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I didn't really do much today. I had a group meeting so I headed up to Uni but later on, found out it was cancelled so I chilled with Hoa for abit before we headed home. I went back to watching One Piece, and it's still good even though, I know what's going to happen. Gotta get back to the latest episode. 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Never Leave One Behind

If it makes you happy, do it. If it doesn't then don't. It's that simple. 
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I had Thieu Nhi today so I went on to teaching my kids :) Most of them are behaving better but they are still some that are still the rebels of the class :L After TN, BQT and So had a long meeting which went on for an hour or so. After we finished, a couple of us headed to Inala to eat. 

Later on, Phap, Tham and myself went to get Alchy for Tham's party next week. We spent like $500.... saywhut? Why is alchy so expensive :( I came home to take a quick nap before I went to have a catch up with Anthony. We watched Expendables 3 and it was pretty good ! Such a good action-packed movie. The storyline isn't that great as always but the action carried the whole movie through ! 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Children Of Love

Pains Temporary, Pride is Forever 
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It rained all day today which makes the whole day gloomy at work. I read a new manga at work today, it's about Karate and it's pretty funny at times. Thu came to visit me for abit after she finished work today. I didn't really do much tonight. Dropped Dad off at Darra for church then drop by Mande's place to drop off Adobe for her. Came home and started watching Tokyo Ghoul and it's pretty interesting. 

Friday, August 15, 2014


A man should never neglect his family for business.
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Had a long and tiring day at Uni today. My concentration level slowly went down at the last hour of my last class. Came home to get ready for church since it was an important mass and catholic are obligated to go to this mass. During the mass, I really needed to pee and held it in. After mass, it felt so good letting it goooo ! Let it goooo~ 

We had dance practice and it was alright. I really don't want to dance but I have to :( Later on, I went out to eat with Mymy, Ai-van, Kristy, Johnny and Randy. We ate at Seoul Bistro and it was alright. Nice looking place though. 

Thursday, August 14, 2014


The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
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I woke up really early today cause my alarm was set to wake me up at 6:30. When I woke up, I remembered my morning lecture was cancelled so I went back to sleep. Woke up after about two hours later to cram some study in before I headed to Uni to do my Maths Quiz. 

Took the Quiz with Leon, Thien and Linda and I must say, I did 50% of the quiz...:/ At least I managed to do half of the questions correctly :) Afterward, I just headed home and I didn't even spend money on food today :) Yaay ! 

Tonight, Thu and I planned a last minute, let's go watch "Deliver Us From Evil". We invited Kien and Hung to come along. The movie was getting good towards the end and then it died out without climaxing :( I am once again, disappointed in this horror movie. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Hello Hello

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.
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It was a public holiday todaaaay ! Yaaay...and I had work :( It was pretty boring ! I even brought my books out to study some Maths but it was still hard :( Thu & Tai come out to visit me for abit and later on, Kristy came out to chill for abit. 

I had a Hip Hop dance practice tonight and it was so so, I wasn't really motivated to re-learn some dances I've learnt before. After practice, Ai-van, Vi and I went to Randy's to chilled for abit before we headed to Forest Lake, Lake to hang out abit. It was quite cold so we went to Maccas and had a good talk about old school tv shows. So much memories ! 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Lovers On The Sun

If you can dream it, you can do it.
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I stayed home all day today to study but I only managed to study about 30% of the time. Spent the other time watching anime and just resting. I was meant to go clubbing tonight but I can't be bothered leaving the house and getting change :L

Last day tomorrow to study for Maths so ima bring my books out to work and study even though it's a public holiday. 

Monday, August 11, 2014


You have to think anyway, so why not think big?
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Today was an unexpected busy and tiring day. My parents woke me up early to do some house work with them. First of, I helped my daddy carry heavy as containers then helped him with building the shed that we were working on awhile back. After working for abit, I went over to Hoa's to get new tires for my car then headed to Inala to get them placed on at Choice. 

Went to Inala to do a quick stop and bumped into Ronnie, Mande and Tony there. Chilled with them for abit before I walked home to do some more housework with my mum. More carrying to be done :/ We are moving all of the stuff from the garage into the new shed. It's pretty tiring sorting and carrying everything. 

After we finished, it was time for dinner and we were all so tired :( I am not really keen for tomorrow :( I gotta spend a whole day to study for my quiz on Thursday. It's about maths and I hate maths so much ! 

Sunday, August 10, 2014


Wise decision requires knowledge.
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11-08-2014 - Saturday

I read a new manga today at work. It's called "The Gamer". It's pretty interesting :L A normal person life turned into an RPG with stats and skills. After work, I took Thu, Tai and Linh out for dinner at Kamikaze Teppanyaki. It was cheap cause we got this coupon but we was disappointed in the amount we got but still, it was cheap :) 

Our next destination was Jupiter's Casino. We ate at Spinners and we only got entree and desserts :L Haha not a single main was bought. After filling our tummy, Thu and I went to gamble for abit and the other just waited for us. We both came out abit richer :) Afterward, we just went home and omg, driving home from Gold Coast is always tiring :( Thu and I was meant to get to Tina's Birthday party but it was pretty late so we just went home. 

12-08-2014 - Sunday

Today I sorted my Tuoi Tho class out and put them into 4 different groups with their group names. I even choose a leader and a vice-leader for each group. I am going to up my teaching game soon ! Gotta become a better teacher :) After Thieu, we had a short sesh to rehearse our hip hop dance that we did throughout the year. 

I came home afterward and took a good nap before I headed to church in my Tn Uniform. We were meant to be there to support our New Souer. Only seven of us went :( It was a disappointment seeing that none of the other came. After we had dinner at church and I had a good catch up with Martin :) We also helped out with packing up and cleaning. 

Friday, August 8, 2014


The only one who can beat me is me.
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Another day at Uni, Another knowledge to my brain :) I had three tute today and I must say, I did a good job at paying attention :) Actually learnt alot of maths today :) I have a 10% exam next week :( Gotta cram alot for that soon. 

Had a quick session at the gym today and bumped into Tony who also had a quick session cause he was sick. Afterward, I came home to rest before heading out to Trung Tam for dance practice. Practice was okay ish. 

Later on I wanted to go home so I walked home but Kristy and Nhu followed me and wanted me to take them out :( I said no to them alot of time but they were so presistant so I took them to Sunnybank around with Randy. We bumped into Martin and Hong there and also Linda and Vinson :) So many people there on a friday night. We had drinks at Sakuraya and pretty much chilled. Met Mande there too who gave me free toppings :) Yaay ! Thank you ! 

Another day at work tomorrow :( I am running out of good manga to read :( Going to go look for something interesting to read now. 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Boom Boom Pow

I have looked into your eyes with my eyes. I have put my heart near your heart.
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Uni was pretty boring today but I managed to watch 3/4 of a lecture I missed out during my two hour gap :) Yaaay ! After Uni, I went for abit of window shopping cause I didn't want to bus it home during peak hour. Tonight, we had a BQT Meeting with Cha and So tonight. Everyone was there except for Andy who isn't in town atm. The meeting was gaaah ! We have so much roles and responsibility now :( So much stuff to dooo !

Afterward, Phap came over to chill for abit and we talk about some stuff that happened during the meeting.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Your eyes are to discern evil, your mouth is to speak truth, your heart is to be filled with righteousness, and your sword is to purge evil.
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Work was pretty boring today :( I read a new manga today and it was pretty good ! "The Seven Deadly Sins" I hope more chapter comes out soon ! Phap came over to mine to chilled for abit before we went over to Trung Tam to see how the choir is going. 

I really need to be more productive :( I am going to start to plan most of the stuff I will be doing :) 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.
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While driving to Uni with Randy today, we saw Kristy waiting at the bus stop so we picked her up for uni aswell. I had a prac today and it turns out I didn't have to do it when I got there so I was like... omg, drove here and paid for 3 hours of parking already :( So I ended up going window shopping with Randy. Well, I tried to window shop but I bought another polo from Tommy Hilfiger... woops ! There goes mah money ! 

I also tried this protein smoothies store and the it taste pretty good plus they even use protein in it :) It was pretty boring up there in the city so we ended up going home. 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Power of the Future

The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power.
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3-08-2014 - Sunday

Thieu Nhi today went by quite fast. I had my kids do their exams today and they really do have alot of questions and asking me how to spell "cross" and other words. When we ended, we had a short meeting about the new semester allocations and then BQT had another long meeting afterward about camp :( I wanted to go eaaaat ! Oh and Mymy came back with my PSP ! Omg ! I finally have my psp back ! Yaaay ! And welcome back Mymy !

After the meeting, I went over to Thu's place to help decorate the house for her surprise 18th Birthday Party. After decorating, I took Tai to forest lake to get a Wii Motion Board as a Birthday Gift for his sister. We came back to the house to surprise her when she came home from work. 

The party started at like 4pm with her friends but since I am a family member, I waited for the family party at 5pm :L Better food there ! The cake her aunty made for her looks amazing ! The food was great too ! There was also good alcohol there ! The theme was Blue and White so everyone was in either blue or white or even both ! There was alot of singing done and maybe abit of dancing but mainly alot of chilling. Alot of funny episodes happens too :L  I drank alot so I left my car there overnight and cabbed it home cause I wanted to stay longer there and didn't go home with my family. 

4-08-2014 - Monday

I woke up quite early today and watched abit of Tv in the movie before mummy drove me over to Thu's place to pick up my car. When we got there, we saw that my uncle and Thu was cleaning up so my mum and I went to help out. While cleaning, Kim came over to pick up her car also :L I came home and rest for abit before going to Lunch at Coffee Club with Thu, Linh, Kim, Xuan, Mo Lan and Cau Khanh. We did alot of talking about what happened last night and it was pretty funny :L

 I came home and fell asleep while watching anime cause I was soooh tired from last night. I didn't really do much tonight except for watching movies. Oh, I watched this new anime and I love it ! Hataraku Maou Sama ! It's a really good anime ! I recommend you guys watching it in your spare time :) 

Saturday, August 2, 2014


A man should never neglect his family for business.
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Work today was alright but then my sickness attacked me half way in between and took all of my energy :( I didn't really do much tonight since I was sick but I told Vivian that I would take her to her party and go to Bungle Bungle with her afterward. I only fulfilled half of it tonight though since I was sick. I took her there and took her home but we didn't go to bungle bungle since I didn't feel like going but we find some other time to go :)

Oh I also wrote up and fixed the exams for the Tuoi Tho. I will be making them do thier exams tomorrow. Hopefully my kids are smart and remember everything I taught them :) 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Cao Gio

The power of one, if fearless and focused, is formidable, but the power of many working together is better.
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Omg ! I woke up this morning feeling like a zombie :( I was soooh sick ! I even had to go take some medicineeeee ! Normally I wouldn't be bother to take medicine cause I am tank but this morning was a different story. Felt like throwing up during my tutorials :( I managed and made it through my tutorials :) 

After Uni, I met up with Randy and we did some window shopping. I ended up getting myself an Armani wallet :) That impulse buy right there ! After getting my buys, we went around looking for a present for my cousin's 18th Birthday but I didn't find anything :( Might just get her a bottle of alchy then. 

And omg, that bus we caught home was free :) yaaay but it came with hell :( The bus driver had the heater on throughout the whole trip :( It felt like a sauna there ! Alot of people complained but he didn't do anything about it :( Maybe the air-con was broken or something but then again, it was a free trip. When I hopped out the bus, omg it felt so amazing ! It felt like heaven ! Like I've came out of hell itself ! 

I was meant to rest up at home tonight but I got dragged out to do some Traditional Vietnamese Dance practice for Moon Fest :( I don't want to do this again ! Came home afterward and mummy did the traditional Cao Gio (Scathing Wind technique <--- only asians can do this technique) and my body already felt alot better after she did it :)