Friday, August 1, 2014

Cao Gio

The power of one, if fearless and focused, is formidable, but the power of many working together is better.
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Omg ! I woke up this morning feeling like a zombie :( I was soooh sick ! I even had to go take some medicineeeee ! Normally I wouldn't be bother to take medicine cause I am tank but this morning was a different story. Felt like throwing up during my tutorials :( I managed and made it through my tutorials :) 

After Uni, I met up with Randy and we did some window shopping. I ended up getting myself an Armani wallet :) That impulse buy right there ! After getting my buys, we went around looking for a present for my cousin's 18th Birthday but I didn't find anything :( Might just get her a bottle of alchy then. 

And omg, that bus we caught home was free :) yaaay but it came with hell :( The bus driver had the heater on throughout the whole trip :( It felt like a sauna there ! Alot of people complained but he didn't do anything about it :( Maybe the air-con was broken or something but then again, it was a free trip. When I hopped out the bus, omg it felt so amazing ! It felt like heaven ! Like I've came out of hell itself ! 

I was meant to rest up at home tonight but I got dragged out to do some Traditional Vietnamese Dance practice for Moon Fest :( I don't want to do this again ! Came home afterward and mummy did the traditional Cao Gio (Scathing Wind technique <--- only asians can do this technique) and my body already felt alot better after she did it :) 

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