Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Yellow Flash

Just know, when you truly want success, you'll never give up on it. No matter how bad the situation may get.

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23-08-2014 - Saturday

I read the karate Manga at work again today. It's such a long manga ! About 200 and something chapters. Anthony came out to chill with me until I finish work. Thang was also out there for a bit. We came home and rest for abit before we headed over to Tham's place to celebrate her 21st Birthday ! Happy Birthday Chi Thaam !! At first, the party was abit boring since barely anyone was there but later, it was pretty hectic and fun ! Probably cause of the Alchy :L 

Played a few cards drinking game until the Hennessy XO came out ! Love Hennessy XO ! Thang and I got dragged to the dance floor and omg, it took us so much effort just to escape from the girls and outta that place ! There was also this girl who was competently gone on the floor... daaammn ! 

Stayed back till late with Thu and Linh and we pretty much sang most of the night. Pretty chill at the end of the party :) Here are some photos that was taken at the party.

Happy Birthday Thaaam ! 
Groupie ! 
 Tina ! 
Another groupie shot ! 

24-08-2014 - Sunday

I didn't get much sleep last night cause of the alchy. I woke up with light headache and journey into Trung Tam for Thieu Nhi. We taught really well this week and the kids listen to us more now :) Yaay ! After Thieu Nhi, we had a meeting then a mini-workshop ran by So who wants to get some answers to some religion questions. It was alright, that meeting and workshop.

Afterward, I had Pho there with a few of the guys then we headed over to kristy's place to help her with her Physics Quiz. It was mainly Joseph and I helping her. Afterward, we went over to Joseph's place to watch Spider-man, I fell like half asleep over there was I was competently dead. I believe it wasn't the hangover that killed me but a flu :( Thought I had a long as hangover :L Mary was also there and we chill with her for awhile. 

25-08-2014 - Monday

Today was a busy as day ! I remodeled my room and put my new Desk in. It took so much effect to take everything out of my room and putting it back in. I also cleaned up every single drop of dust there was in my room :) My dad helped me out alot :) Thank you Daddy ! I absolutely died out later on though, it was so dusting and I had the flu :( The amount of times I sneezed was insane ! 

26-08-2014 - Tuesday

In the morning, I went over to Randy's to help him and Vi do their ALS bucket challenge. I was pretty evil to both of them :L and omg, I got nominated by Randy -_- We were hungry so being cheap asians, we went to buy steak to cook. It was alright. The meet was really chewy though. 

Came home and feel asleep cause I really need it and totally missed out on Uni... opps. Had dance practice tonight which was boring :( 

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