Sunday, August 17, 2014

Never Leave One Behind

If it makes you happy, do it. If it doesn't then don't. It's that simple. 
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I had Thieu Nhi today so I went on to teaching my kids :) Most of them are behaving better but they are still some that are still the rebels of the class :L After TN, BQT and So had a long meeting which went on for an hour or so. After we finished, a couple of us headed to Inala to eat. 

Later on, Phap, Tham and myself went to get Alchy for Tham's party next week. We spent like $500.... saywhut? Why is alchy so expensive :( I came home to take a quick nap before I went to have a catch up with Anthony. We watched Expendables 3 and it was pretty good ! Such a good action-packed movie. The storyline isn't that great as always but the action carried the whole movie through ! 

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