Thursday, August 14, 2014


The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
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I woke up really early today cause my alarm was set to wake me up at 6:30. When I woke up, I remembered my morning lecture was cancelled so I went back to sleep. Woke up after about two hours later to cram some study in before I headed to Uni to do my Maths Quiz. 

Took the Quiz with Leon, Thien and Linda and I must say, I did 50% of the quiz...:/ At least I managed to do half of the questions correctly :) Afterward, I just headed home and I didn't even spend money on food today :) Yaay ! 

Tonight, Thu and I planned a last minute, let's go watch "Deliver Us From Evil". We invited Kien and Hung to come along. The movie was getting good towards the end and then it died out without climaxing :( I am once again, disappointed in this horror movie. 

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