Thursday, August 21, 2014

How do you

You reach a point where you don't work for money.

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Today was a pretty busy and productive day. Woke up late knowing that I don't have an early lecture today since it was cancelled so I started to build my cabinet I bought from Ikea yesterday. It took me like an hour and a half just to build it. After become Bob the Builder, I had lunch with my daddy and headed to Uni. 

I managed to do quite alot of my assignment with my team members in my tutorial today :) We are slowly getting there ! Met up with Hoa after to go home together and we bumped into Oscar who walked with us back to the city. 

Once we got back to Inala, we went all the way to Anaconda to get some tents for Thieu Nhi. We met up with Andy and Chi Quynh there and bought four 13 people tent which cost us about $1300. They were also on sale ! 50% off ! Yaay ! 

We went back to Brown Plains to have a look at Chi Quynh's Nail store and also ate there. Chilled at the shopping centre for awhile before heading home. Came home to building my desk. Oh man, this one took longer but I certainly did things faster cause of the experience I got from building the cabinet :) 

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