Monday, August 11, 2014


You have to think anyway, so why not think big?
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Today was an unexpected busy and tiring day. My parents woke me up early to do some house work with them. First of, I helped my daddy carry heavy as containers then helped him with building the shed that we were working on awhile back. After working for abit, I went over to Hoa's to get new tires for my car then headed to Inala to get them placed on at Choice. 

Went to Inala to do a quick stop and bumped into Ronnie, Mande and Tony there. Chilled with them for abit before I walked home to do some more housework with my mum. More carrying to be done :/ We are moving all of the stuff from the garage into the new shed. It's pretty tiring sorting and carrying everything. 

After we finished, it was time for dinner and we were all so tired :( I am not really keen for tomorrow :( I gotta spend a whole day to study for my quiz on Thursday. It's about maths and I hate maths so much ! 

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