Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Hello Hello

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.
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It was a public holiday todaaaay ! Yaaay...and I had work :( It was pretty boring ! I even brought my books out to study some Maths but it was still hard :( Thu & Tai come out to visit me for abit and later on, Kristy came out to chill for abit. 

I had a Hip Hop dance practice tonight and it was so so, I wasn't really motivated to re-learn some dances I've learnt before. After practice, Ai-van, Vi and I went to Randy's to chilled for abit before we headed to Forest Lake, Lake to hang out abit. It was quite cold so we went to Maccas and had a good talk about old school tv shows. So much memories ! 

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