Monday, August 4, 2014

Power of the Future

The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power.
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3-08-2014 - Sunday

Thieu Nhi today went by quite fast. I had my kids do their exams today and they really do have alot of questions and asking me how to spell "cross" and other words. When we ended, we had a short meeting about the new semester allocations and then BQT had another long meeting afterward about camp :( I wanted to go eaaaat ! Oh and Mymy came back with my PSP ! Omg ! I finally have my psp back ! Yaaay ! And welcome back Mymy !

After the meeting, I went over to Thu's place to help decorate the house for her surprise 18th Birthday Party. After decorating, I took Tai to forest lake to get a Wii Motion Board as a Birthday Gift for his sister. We came back to the house to surprise her when she came home from work. 

The party started at like 4pm with her friends but since I am a family member, I waited for the family party at 5pm :L Better food there ! The cake her aunty made for her looks amazing ! The food was great too ! There was also good alcohol there ! The theme was Blue and White so everyone was in either blue or white or even both ! There was alot of singing done and maybe abit of dancing but mainly alot of chilling. Alot of funny episodes happens too :L  I drank alot so I left my car there overnight and cabbed it home cause I wanted to stay longer there and didn't go home with my family. 

4-08-2014 - Monday

I woke up quite early today and watched abit of Tv in the movie before mummy drove me over to Thu's place to pick up my car. When we got there, we saw that my uncle and Thu was cleaning up so my mum and I went to help out. While cleaning, Kim came over to pick up her car also :L I came home and rest for abit before going to Lunch at Coffee Club with Thu, Linh, Kim, Xuan, Mo Lan and Cau Khanh. We did alot of talking about what happened last night and it was pretty funny :L

 I came home and fell asleep while watching anime cause I was soooh tired from last night. I didn't really do much tonight except for watching movies. Oh, I watched this new anime and I love it ! Hataraku Maou Sama ! It's a really good anime ! I recommend you guys watching it in your spare time :) 

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