Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Turn On The Lights

Came late today to tafe with Leon and we ended up being one of the first to be in class LOL. There was barely anyone in class and the teacher wasn't even in class LOL turns out, we didn't come late at all :L Watched Nikata during my lunch break since I was bored. Did alot of revision questions and sighh, it looks pretty hard to remember all the working out. Gotta study abit for the upcoming exams.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


It was a usual day at tafe today. Got home and I finally got my room back :) Cleaned abit of it then headed over to my cousin's place to chill. I just played Pokemon over there LOL Nothing excited happened today. Hope tomorrow will be a better day at tafe :) and Hope you guys are all safe and living a good life !

Monday, October 29, 2012

Love Game

Happy Birthday Tiffany !
27/10/2012 - Saturday

Today was my grandpa's 100th :( I MISS YOU !
I worked with my aunty today and we were pretty busy for the whole day. After work, I went to Tiffany's 18th Birthday party :) It was pretty chilled and fun ! Ate heaps of food, then Kevin Le and I forced ourselves to finish everything... oh god, we pretty much died. Took us like 10 minutes to finish just one sausage at the end. Dammn ! After eating, we sang, danced and crurats. Chilled and dance abit more than round two of crurats. Ran out of beers so we went to get more LOL. Played Munchkins with a few of the guys/girls afterward. It was quite fun ! We ended it fast though. Played Four Kings with cupcakes LOL then drank more ! Afterward, there were only a few peeps left at the party and Tiff opened her presents. It was funny when we saw 1000 five cent coins :L :L Nice Hong ! 

Chilled and talked afterward. Alex, Kevin and I tried to call the yellow cab and their put us on a 20 minutes waiting line. We canceled it cause it took so long then we tired calling Maxi taxi. They didn't pick up... called yellow cab again and now, they didn't pick up... Like wtf ! We kept trying to call them over and over. Wait for like 10 minutes then tried again... sighh, us three had no way of getting home. We tried calling them for like an hour LOL I had to get my angry brother to pick us up... I think this is the last time he's gonna pick me up from parties lol. We stayed back at tiff's and just chilled with her while she was counting her money (5 cent coins) haha.

28/10/2012 - Sunday

Today my family celebrated my grandpa's 100th day, everyone went to church in the morning then we all headed to the cemetery to visit him and our grandma. After praying and visiting him, I headed back to youth with my brother and cousins. Youth was okay, I was so tired though. Came home and anime/drama then my whole family came over to my place to pray for him in front of his picture at my place. We ate afterward then the cousins and I, just youtube'd heaps of songs then for some reason, we ran out of songs so we youtube'd all these old songs which was awesome haha. Haven't listened to most of them in ages ! We just listed to music for the whole night pretty much. 

Stayed up with most of the adults and talking to them for like three hours until it was 1 and I was so tired so I tried to sleep but I couldn't sleep :(

29/10/2012 - Monday

Woke up for tafe and got ready. Turns out Leon and Toan weren't going and I didn't wanna bother my dad to drive me there. So I didn't go. I turned out to be my parents navigator and went with them to Gold Coast LOL We were taking my aunty and uncle from Canberra out :) Shopped for hours in Harbour town, I managed to get a few clothings. It was funny since the three male, Me, My dad and my uncle thought we were heading home and the two women was following us at the back, we got to the car and the women weren't behind us... so we sat in the car for like 30 mins waiting and thought they would come out soon... turns out they didn't LOL They were still shopping so we went back to meet them haha. Did that like a couples of times.

Headed to Paficic Fair to eat then shopped more ! This time, the males went into the electronics store while the female went to Myers and other girly stores. So much shopping today ! I wish I have more money though :( Headed home and most of my uncle and aunty came over to chilled and talk :) Dirty jokes again... LOL

Friday, October 26, 2012

Don't forget me

Looks like yummy cuc :L ^ That's you !
Work once again :( During Tien's lunch break, she came out to visit Tony and I. We just chilled then, we went back to her workplace and tried on glasses and sunnies ! Her work place is so cool ! I wanna work there ! Went back to work and did the usual thing. Ronnie came out and chilled with us. We started talking about Running Man and Kpop. 

Pretty much chilled on my laptop at night. Just watching anime and drama.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


^ Me in the future !

Why did you do it again.... Please stop !
Work today was really boring ! Chilled with Tien while she was on her lunch break < Only fun part of work. LOL SUPER DUPER cleaned my room today ! :) It took me from seven to ten. Wow ! three hours of cleaning ! Cleaned pretty much everything except for what is underneath my bed LOL I will get down there sometime tomorrow :) Gotta clean heaps since my Aunty and uncle from Canberra are coming up here to stay since it's almost my grandpa's 100th day since his death. I'm always kicked out of my room when we have guest..... :( I'm pretty much used to sleeping anywhere now :L

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Do it like a dude

Did barely anything at tafe today. Was quite boring. Went to church again and listened to the priest talk for the last time. Man, It was 3 hours today but it was good though. Finally, no more going to listening to him LOL 
I don't feel like working tomorrow but I need the money :(

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Everything has changed

Did another exam today and it was quite hard LOL The beginning of the exam was a piece of cake but later on, at the end of the exam paper, I didn't know what to do so I just guessed :( No one knew what to do.... 

Went to church again to listen to the priest for like 2.5 hours again. It was interesting but I died out at the end again lol Chilled with the youth guys for a while after church. 

Hannah suggested Nikita to me to watch, Started watching it today and it's quite good :) Download both seasons already. Time to watch this like a boss ! 

I really need to get my sleeping pattern right again, I've been having bags under my eyes for like two weeks now. Gotta sleep early to wake up early ! 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Ice Cream

Why can't I sleep nowdays? :/
Did our Physics exam today and it was alright I guess, the last question was so hard though. During our break, there was a Tv in class so Mark and I decided to play around with it and we fixed it. Made the Antenna work and we started watching Abc kids LOL 

Went to a 2.5 hours church today since there was a special priest preaching. His preaching was so good and I learnt quite alot but my ass died. I slowly died towards the end lol. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

I Knew You Were Trouble

20/10/2012 - Saturday

I went out to work with my aunty which was quite fun ! Worked half the day though, Linda came out to visit :) Got mum to take over work for me then I went home to get ready for Tien's. Myvy picked me up then we picked Cindy up, Off to Tien's we went ! Helped cooked the food there. Did a wonderful job at tasting the chicken LOL  Ate then sang most of the night ! Most of the old song which was quite good to re-sing them :) I love that riding thing that Tien had ! Everytime I am at her place, I always ride it LOL It was so fun when Mvyv pushed me :L Messed around with Myvy's jazzy which was funny LOL but sad at the same time :( Poor Jazzy !

Afterwards when most of the people left, We started to watch the *Horror* movie, Host. I didn't want to really watch it since I've already seen it and it wasn't scary LOL So I sneaked out to the other room with Mande and Ronnie. Jack tried to pull Ronnie and I to the front but he only managed to get Ronnie. Mande and I just chilled there with our iphones LOL until Jack and Denne came out and chilled with us.

Mande and I was hungry so we went out to the front to grab some food at the back without letting the others who were watching the movie know. We managed to grab a few food then brought it back to the room. When we got back, we found out that Denne and Jack were sleeping on the couch that we were meant to eat at so we ate on the stairs lol. Played cards with Tien, Mande and Vinh afterwards upstairs. 

Came back down to watch the ending of the movie with everyone else. The movie didn't scare anyone LOL Chilled and talked afterward. Mande's mummy drove Hannah and me home. Got home and my rents weren't even sleeping yet LOL They were watching tvb's.

21/10/2012 - Sunday

Woke up early and headed to church. Went to youth afterward and I had to teach my kids with Mymy, We really do need a Ht to help us LOL It was so hot today ! Came home afterward and watched my anime then took a nap. The nap was really refreshing since I had energy to go eat with Thu's family. We ate Thai food and we ordered a banquet when we had three people and one kid. oh god, 10 dishes was too much for us ! we managed to finish everything except the dessert and our tummy were like bam ! So faaaat ! The food was quite good ! Saw Lynn working lol.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Happy Birthday Td, Huy and Mymy's dad LOL
Went for a drive with my instructor in the morning then off to the work I go ! It was alright, humid as though. Tomorrow is going to be 32 degree.... I don't wanna work ! Wait, it's today ! OMG ! After work, Mymy called me out to go check the Darra Festival with the other dt's. We got there and it was okayish, didn't stay there for so long since it was really small and nothing to do there lol. Went all the way to Milton to have a 1.5 meter long Pizza this time ! OMG ! It was so much that we couldn't finished it, almost finished it though. Had to takeaway it home. 

Picked up Vy then we went back to Mymy's to watch Half of Men in black 3 then Justdance 4 which was fun ! Did the fitness thing on it too and it was tiring as ! LOL we pretty much died. I am thinking about getting a Wii now just for justdance lol. It's so fun !

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Little Bird

You're awesome !
While walking to Inala, Linda called me and asked if I was at Inala working LOL She needed money. Lent her money then got to the bus stop. Went to city with Myvy and we shopped ! We went into girl stores since I was looking for a birthday gift for Mymy. We went into heaps but we couldn't find a good size for Mymy so I ended up getting her a dress. Turns out she likes it :) Also went into Typo and I got a bag there for $2. It was for charity so I felt good when I got it :)

We were hungry so we went into Winter Garden to onomnom ! I only ate a sushi roll since I didn't really wanna spend alot of money on food while Myvy ate her own food that she made at home. Afterward, Myvy realized she forgot her lecture notes and her book at home and she needed one for her tute. We walked into Target and Reject shop and a book was so expensive, it was like $3..... wth, I thought the Reject shop was meant to be cheap ! Had to walk all the way to Big W to get a book for 70 cents lol. It was heaps cheaper than the other two stores. 

Met up with Hieu and Phi. I took Myvy into the casino with Hieu and showed her around. It was boring for her lol since we weren't gambling :) We got free water though :) Afterward, Hieu and I went around shopping and I managed to get a shirt which was cheap lol while Hieu got an expensive one... I wish I was rich :( Ate Hanaichi since I was quite hungry lol, a sushi roll wasn't enough for me to tank a whole day. I am not tank anymore which sucks. Waited for Myvy to finished her lecture then we bus'ed it home.

 I got picked up by Mymy then we went jogging at the lake. It was quite dark but it wasn't that hot which was good :) Both of us are so unfit compared to the begining of the year when we used to jogged hard-out lol

Oh yeh, my logbook got approved :) Which means, I can go book my P's exam now :) YAAAAY ! Can't wait ! Hopefully I won't fail... or do a Hoa (inside joke) lol.

Wow, this is a long post lol soz.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Take the stares

Welcome back Step-Grandma !
Tafe today was okay ! Early finished feels good :) My aunty's and uncle's came over to say hello to my step grandma :) I drove my mummy and step grandma to my aunty's place then we went shopping at woolies :) It feels good to drive them around. Can't wait till I get my p's aye. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I will show you

Get out of my head ! 
Tafe today was okay ! Went to Sunnybank at break to just chill lol. Class wasn't as boring as yesterday which is good :)After tafe, Leon and I went to Officeworks to get calculators and stuff. My cousin, Nam came over and chilled with me. We just talked lol. Was looking up cars with him aswell. I wish I have money for my Lambo :(
Yay ! We got a new timetable and we finish at three tomorrow :) So much better than going home at five :)

 I really need to go shopping to get birthday gifts sometime this week, I've been delaying it so much ! Was meant to go like last Friday and last last Thursday but i didn't... :( Gotta go soon though. The deadline is coming up !

Mummy took most of her clothing's and stuff out of my wardrobe so now, I have so much more room to place my stuff :) 

Monday, October 15, 2012


No no no !
Well, today at tafe, our teacher, Mr Bob raged at tje class then walked out of the class half way during class. He just stopped teaching us and walked out the door without his books LOL 5 mins later, he came back in to get his book hahahahaha. He was raging at us cause of Toan... His back was always facing the teacher during the lecture and the teacher could hear him talking thought-out the class. His back was so big that the teacher couldn't see the other students who was behind him... lol jokes, I am not that sad looool

I skipped a lecture and thought I was going home when my brother picked me up but instead we went to visit people since we had a priest in the car. After visiting, we headed to Inala since the priest need to send the money that he gathered to the poor people in Vietnam :) It took a while though and I was very bored lol. Skipped a lecture to go home early but instead, I came home late lol

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Beauty And A Beat

Weird dreeeeam~ lol
Taught again at youth then we had a long meeting about our national camp in Sydney. After the meeting, we had a small boxing session with a few of the leaders. Today was just an introduction to it so we just jab jab jab then punch lol. 

After boxing, some of us, mostly the dt's went out to Inala to chill and get some drinks. Headed back to mine and watched abit of Brave heart then Taken 1. It was so intense but more than half of the group left half way lol. After we finished, Mymy, Td, Johnnie and I, Went to Indro to eat sushi train ! We ate quite alot but we weren't full yet but but our budget maaan ! If only we were rich :( Watched Taken 2 afterward and it was alright ! Still an intense movie though. 


Mummy ! At her 25th Anniversary :)
Why do I have this feeling? :(
Had work again today which was quite boring :( Went over to Kevin Le's place to party for LEON'S AND YENNIE'S 18TH BIRTHDAY !! It was fun ! Came there and chilled. Watch the guys play street fighter like always then we needa to start the BBQ but we didn't have Fire starters so Hoc, Alex and I walked to the park to grab branches and wood. We started our on bbq :) Chilled with the bonfire and all. SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS ! Fcked up Leon alot LOL Caked Yennie and Tai and just chilled more ! It was a good catch up since I haven't been hanging with 2dn for awhile :) Helped Kevin clean up abit which was good :) 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Wicked Games

Snow ice that I had last week :)
Work today was so so WINDY ! Had to chase buckets that was getting blown away~ Tony came out then Tai and Yennie came for abit. Chilled then they left so I was a loner in my store. Just working and working... Until Hieu and Tony came out. We just talked about money again lol Toan, Hoa, Denne and David Melara came out after and we chilled. 

Mum made Lau tonight since we had two priest coming over to eat ! Had to get out of my pj's lol.
There are so many Birthday parties this month ! It's so crazy lol

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Got a new and clean haircut today at the hairdresser :) So short now lol but I can feel the wind now. I liked my old hairstyle but oh well, it's good to change in a while. Walked home in the rain since mummy didn't have her car today :( Didn't really do anything excited today. Just cleaned my room and house. Fell asleep while watching drama's with mummy lol. I wasn't meant to sleep dammit.Work tomorrow and the next day :( Don't really feel like it but I need the money ! 

I really need to either clean my laptop alot more or make a wish to get a new computer lol. So laggy now :( What happened to you Lappy? You were so beast 6 years ago !

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Dive in

Happy Birthday Mummy !
Tafe today was okayish. Made paper airplanes in class then we ran outside to play with them during class time LOL The teacher was joking about making paper airplanes but we did it anyways :L He even said, mine was good LOL After tafe, while walking to the cars, we played long jump at the carpark LOL It was fun !

My uncle took my family out for dinner since it was mummy birthday today. We ate at Buffet Garden in sunnybank and I am so full ! Funhouse then kmart shopping afterward. Shouted my two cousins what ever they want :) Bought my mum a clock which was cheap LOL

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

It's Cold

Oh whale... you remind me of someone :L
Learnt about Nuclear fusion and laser in tafe ! I guess it's time to create a bomb and be a terrorist. The first and last lesson was so boring that most of the class were sleeping. 

Once again, it was boring and my parents went for a walk at night. They were walking to my aunty place which was kinda far. I chased after them since I was bored but they beat me to my aunty place. Chilled there for awhile then walked home with my parents. It was quite windy and abit chill but it was a good walk :)

Monday, October 8, 2012


Hmmmmm :(
Back at tafe today and it was so boring ! Our teacher showed us videos of his grand-daughter talking in Chinese .. Aren't you guys meant to teach us? LOL 8am - 5pm class once again from Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday :( 

I am finally staying home at night and there's nothing to do. After cleaning my room up, I am just sitting here in boredom :( AKFDSAKJFSJD What to do man !  Re-looked over my notes I wrote today ! Haven't done that in like years ! Now, time to find something to do..... :(

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Skinny love

Cosplay dedicated to Tuannie
Got a called in the morning that woke up it. Andy asked me if I wanted to go Gold Coast with the Thieu Nhi group. heard gold coast and I was like yay :) Sacrificeed the first time I get to sleep in on the holidays to go there. We met up at Inala. It took us three hours to get to Gold Coast .... like hooow ! Wtf, traffic jam and got lost abit sighh. It was so hot in the car ride and we were all so hungry !

Got to pacific fair then rushed to the food court and ate ! Chilled at pacific fair and went window shopping ! Beach at Board Beach afterward ! It was fun ! Ran around the beach aswell ! Good hot day to go beach :)

And it took 2 hours to get home cause of the traffic jam again sighh. Pretty much spent 5 hours in the car LOL Went to church later on. It was quiet cold lol. We had dinner afterward there but food wasn't that great. Mary, Van and I rushed to Maccas then rushed back lol. Fun walk there :) Got there and chilled ! Everyone left cepts the adults and Anna. I stayed back with Anna since I didn't wanna leave her there alone and my mum was still there plus didn't wanna walk home lol. 

Saturday, October 6, 2012


^ Hope you like the lua thieng that we made for you !

I MISS YOU DADDY ! You better be catching heaps of fishes up there ! Your son, LAMSON WILL TRY TO CATCH FISHES FOR YOU HERE ! 

Sunday - 5/10/2012

Spent my day fixing my cosplay and styling people wigs. took a nap and woke up super tired ! WHYY ! Is it because of the hotness of my body? but it was hot today lol Most of the cosplayers can over to make house to get ready for Tuannie's Memorial Dinner. Got there and it pretty much a dinner with Thieu Nhi and his close friends. Rebbeca day was made ! Fun night ! Drank and dance on the floor ! Also sang haha :L GANGNAM STYLE YO !

Saturday -6/10/2012

Today was going to be your happiest day of your life :(

Woke up in the morning and the first thing I thought about was Tuannie and Rebecca :( then realized I have work so I rushed out to work straight away. Work today was pretty chilled but super super hot ! Vi and Vivian came and helped me worked and I taught them how to use the cash register. Work finished super late since customer spent like an hour buying stuff but it was big buys ! My uncle was happy on the inside but he wanted to go home on the outside LOL

 After work, I met up with some of the Thieu Nhi people and we headed down to the cemetery to visit Tuannie. Visted my grandparents there aswell :) Rebecca was there and we made a mini lua thieng for him since he didn't go to our camp for our lua thieng. We all wrote a letter to him then burnt it so he could read it.  It was quite dark there but at least I visited Tuannie and my grandparents today. Wanted to visit them ages ago but never had the chance to.

Went to eat with a few of them afterward at Sunnybank. Played the phone game again LOL Phone game is quiet good since everyone at the table bonds together more ! Had desserts at Snow Ice and it was yummy like always.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Good time

I miss you !
Went over to Randy's and worked on my cosplay for abit then we just chilled. Cut Mymy's wig today and I was meant to cut mine but I had to go over to my cousins place for a BBQ. Went over there and he hasn't even started the bbq so I had to take over and help him. I hate the smoke ! You make me cry so much tonight ! Bbq was quite boring, I wanted to go home but couldn't.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

One wish

Worked today and it went by quite fast since a few people came out :) At night I went to Kadoya at Sunnybank with Mymy, Td and Hoa. We played the phone game where everyone puts there phone in the middle of the table and the person who touches it first have to pay for every meal. The game stops when everyone is finished eating :L Such a good game lol

Tuesday, October 2, 2012



For the past days, I went to youth camp and it was fun !
Refer to this for more information about out youth camp (This was what happened last camp)

Friday -28/09/2012

 Headed to the Campsite early since I was in the gate preparation team. Got there and we made the gate and tent before the bus came with the kids. When the kids came, we officially start our camp ! I was in charge of the games the kids were meant to play to get points. We split  them into 5 teams with their own flags and team name. First lesson was team bonding with then revision. Had to feed them lunch afterwards. 

We gave the groups some time to practice for our TN-FACTOR ( Pretty much an X-FACTOR). Had trust activities then a learning lesson. Did a team reflection and it helped them reflect so much about their team. TN-FACTOR WAS GOOD ! I was one of the judge out of the three :L Us, Dt's did an avengers parody and we won the TN-FACTOR ! We always win lol. Night games was fun ! 

I was night guard for the night and I was outside with a tourch LOL. Just walking around guarding :L A wild kangaroo appeared. He used "walk" towards the hall. It scared Lam abit. Lam uses chase with a bamboo stick. It was super effective :L That kangaroo was scary as at like 3am. 

A wild spider appeared. Lam uses stomp. It was super super effective. The spider fainted and died. LOL It was so cold outside :( 

Saturday -29/09/2012 

We started out BIG BIG GAME. At 4am, a couple of us went down the mountain to make the trail for our Big game. While the other guys woke up the kids and get them ready to do it. We set up stations and gate keepers for them to stop and followed the story of the big game. 

After the big game, we had team building activities, practice their play for the camp fire, learning lesson, group games, watergames and lantern making. We were about to get ready for the camp fire. When we were gonna blind fold them and lead them to the campfire, it started running so we told everyone to go down there fast and start the fire and do our traditional routine and head back up. Since the fire was only with us for abit, we created a fake fire with lights, strobe lights, sticks and paper. It was actually good ! 

That night, I went into the cabins and drew on the kids face :L I always do this lol

Sunday - 23/09/2012

 We had our cooking competition this time. Let the TN CHIEF START ! Each group had to cook something and decorate their tables. The good was actually better than last year LOL Maybe, they were practicing at home for this day :L Went back to church and had mass with the Bishop. Everyone was like sleeping in church LOL the kids were sleeping while the leaders were half asleep ish.

Monday - 01/10/2012

Got picked up by Hannha's mum with Mande in the morning since I had to bring my tables, chairs and esky over. Helped Hannah organised over there. It was a fun day ! Had waterbombs fight which was really fun. Truth and dare was after which was funny. Played the coffee game afterward with a small group and just activites outside. House, Capture the flag, Bin ball then charades. Goodnight

Tuesday - 01/10/2012

 Just stayed home and rest + cleaned my room up abit. 

Photo with the Viet Bisop