Monday, October 15, 2012


No no no !
Well, today at tafe, our teacher, Mr Bob raged at tje class then walked out of the class half way during class. He just stopped teaching us and walked out the door without his books LOL 5 mins later, he came back in to get his book hahahahaha. He was raging at us cause of Toan... His back was always facing the teacher during the lecture and the teacher could hear him talking thought-out the class. His back was so big that the teacher couldn't see the other students who was behind him... lol jokes, I am not that sad looool

I skipped a lecture and thought I was going home when my brother picked me up but instead we went to visit people since we had a priest in the car. After visiting, we headed to Inala since the priest need to send the money that he gathered to the poor people in Vietnam :) It took a while though and I was very bored lol. Skipped a lecture to go home early but instead, I came home late lol

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