Thursday, October 18, 2012

Little Bird

You're awesome !
While walking to Inala, Linda called me and asked if I was at Inala working LOL She needed money. Lent her money then got to the bus stop. Went to city with Myvy and we shopped ! We went into girl stores since I was looking for a birthday gift for Mymy. We went into heaps but we couldn't find a good size for Mymy so I ended up getting her a dress. Turns out she likes it :) Also went into Typo and I got a bag there for $2. It was for charity so I felt good when I got it :)

We were hungry so we went into Winter Garden to onomnom ! I only ate a sushi roll since I didn't really wanna spend alot of money on food while Myvy ate her own food that she made at home. Afterward, Myvy realized she forgot her lecture notes and her book at home and she needed one for her tute. We walked into Target and Reject shop and a book was so expensive, it was like $3..... wth, I thought the Reject shop was meant to be cheap ! Had to walk all the way to Big W to get a book for 70 cents lol. It was heaps cheaper than the other two stores. 

Met up with Hieu and Phi. I took Myvy into the casino with Hieu and showed her around. It was boring for her lol since we weren't gambling :) We got free water though :) Afterward, Hieu and I went around shopping and I managed to get a shirt which was cheap lol while Hieu got an expensive one... I wish I was rich :( Ate Hanaichi since I was quite hungry lol, a sushi roll wasn't enough for me to tank a whole day. I am not tank anymore which sucks. Waited for Myvy to finished her lecture then we bus'ed it home.

 I got picked up by Mymy then we went jogging at the lake. It was quite dark but it wasn't that hot which was good :) Both of us are so unfit compared to the begining of the year when we used to jogged hard-out lol

Oh yeh, my logbook got approved :) Which means, I can go book my P's exam now :) YAAAAY ! Can't wait ! Hopefully I won't fail... or do a Hoa (inside joke) lol.

Wow, this is a long post lol soz.

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