Saturday, October 20, 2012


Happy Birthday Td, Huy and Mymy's dad LOL
Went for a drive with my instructor in the morning then off to the work I go ! It was alright, humid as though. Tomorrow is going to be 32 degree.... I don't wanna work ! Wait, it's today ! OMG ! After work, Mymy called me out to go check the Darra Festival with the other dt's. We got there and it was okayish, didn't stay there for so long since it was really small and nothing to do there lol. Went all the way to Milton to have a 1.5 meter long Pizza this time ! OMG ! It was so much that we couldn't finished it, almost finished it though. Had to takeaway it home. 

Picked up Vy then we went back to Mymy's to watch Half of Men in black 3 then Justdance 4 which was fun ! Did the fitness thing on it too and it was tiring as ! LOL we pretty much died. I am thinking about getting a Wii now just for justdance lol. It's so fun !

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