Sunday, October 14, 2012


Mummy ! At her 25th Anniversary :)
Why do I have this feeling? :(
Had work again today which was quite boring :( Went over to Kevin Le's place to party for LEON'S AND YENNIE'S 18TH BIRTHDAY !! It was fun ! Came there and chilled. Watch the guys play street fighter like always then we needa to start the BBQ but we didn't have Fire starters so Hoc, Alex and I walked to the park to grab branches and wood. We started our on bbq :) Chilled with the bonfire and all. SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS ! Fcked up Leon alot LOL Caked Yennie and Tai and just chilled more ! It was a good catch up since I haven't been hanging with 2dn for awhile :) Helped Kevin clean up abit which was good :) 

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