Monday, October 29, 2012

Love Game

Happy Birthday Tiffany !
27/10/2012 - Saturday

Today was my grandpa's 100th :( I MISS YOU !
I worked with my aunty today and we were pretty busy for the whole day. After work, I went to Tiffany's 18th Birthday party :) It was pretty chilled and fun ! Ate heaps of food, then Kevin Le and I forced ourselves to finish everything... oh god, we pretty much died. Took us like 10 minutes to finish just one sausage at the end. Dammn ! After eating, we sang, danced and crurats. Chilled and dance abit more than round two of crurats. Ran out of beers so we went to get more LOL. Played Munchkins with a few of the guys/girls afterward. It was quite fun ! We ended it fast though. Played Four Kings with cupcakes LOL then drank more ! Afterward, there were only a few peeps left at the party and Tiff opened her presents. It was funny when we saw 1000 five cent coins :L :L Nice Hong ! 

Chilled and talked afterward. Alex, Kevin and I tried to call the yellow cab and their put us on a 20 minutes waiting line. We canceled it cause it took so long then we tired calling Maxi taxi. They didn't pick up... called yellow cab again and now, they didn't pick up... Like wtf ! We kept trying to call them over and over. Wait for like 10 minutes then tried again... sighh, us three had no way of getting home. We tried calling them for like an hour LOL I had to get my angry brother to pick us up... I think this is the last time he's gonna pick me up from parties lol. We stayed back at tiff's and just chilled with her while she was counting her money (5 cent coins) haha.

28/10/2012 - Sunday

Today my family celebrated my grandpa's 100th day, everyone went to church in the morning then we all headed to the cemetery to visit him and our grandma. After praying and visiting him, I headed back to youth with my brother and cousins. Youth was okay, I was so tired though. Came home and anime/drama then my whole family came over to my place to pray for him in front of his picture at my place. We ate afterward then the cousins and I, just youtube'd heaps of songs then for some reason, we ran out of songs so we youtube'd all these old songs which was awesome haha. Haven't listened to most of them in ages ! We just listed to music for the whole night pretty much. 

Stayed up with most of the adults and talking to them for like three hours until it was 1 and I was so tired so I tried to sleep but I couldn't sleep :(

29/10/2012 - Monday

Woke up for tafe and got ready. Turns out Leon and Toan weren't going and I didn't wanna bother my dad to drive me there. So I didn't go. I turned out to be my parents navigator and went with them to Gold Coast LOL We were taking my aunty and uncle from Canberra out :) Shopped for hours in Harbour town, I managed to get a few clothings. It was funny since the three male, Me, My dad and my uncle thought we were heading home and the two women was following us at the back, we got to the car and the women weren't behind us... so we sat in the car for like 30 mins waiting and thought they would come out soon... turns out they didn't LOL They were still shopping so we went back to meet them haha. Did that like a couples of times.

Headed to Paficic Fair to eat then shopped more ! This time, the males went into the electronics store while the female went to Myers and other girly stores. So much shopping today ! I wish I have more money though :( Headed home and most of my uncle and aunty came over to chilled and talk :) Dirty jokes again... LOL

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