Tuesday, October 2, 2012



For the past days, I went to youth camp and it was fun !
Refer to this for more information about out youth camp http://talesofmylifee.blogspot.com.au/2011/09/nguon-song.html (This was what happened last camp)

Friday -28/09/2012

 Headed to the Campsite early since I was in the gate preparation team. Got there and we made the gate and tent before the bus came with the kids. When the kids came, we officially start our camp ! I was in charge of the games the kids were meant to play to get points. We split  them into 5 teams with their own flags and team name. First lesson was team bonding with then revision. Had to feed them lunch afterwards. 

We gave the groups some time to practice for our TN-FACTOR ( Pretty much an X-FACTOR). Had trust activities then a learning lesson. Did a team reflection and it helped them reflect so much about their team. TN-FACTOR WAS GOOD ! I was one of the judge out of the three :L Us, Dt's did an avengers parody and we won the TN-FACTOR ! We always win lol. Night games was fun ! 

I was night guard for the night and I was outside with a tourch LOL. Just walking around guarding :L A wild kangaroo appeared. He used "walk" towards the hall. It scared Lam abit. Lam uses chase with a bamboo stick. It was super effective :L That kangaroo was scary as at like 3am. 

A wild spider appeared. Lam uses stomp. It was super super effective. The spider fainted and died. LOL It was so cold outside :( 

Saturday -29/09/2012 

We started out BIG BIG GAME. At 4am, a couple of us went down the mountain to make the trail for our Big game. While the other guys woke up the kids and get them ready to do it. We set up stations and gate keepers for them to stop and followed the story of the big game. 

After the big game, we had team building activities, practice their play for the camp fire, learning lesson, group games, watergames and lantern making. We were about to get ready for the camp fire. When we were gonna blind fold them and lead them to the campfire, it started running so we told everyone to go down there fast and start the fire and do our traditional routine and head back up. Since the fire was only with us for abit, we created a fake fire with lights, strobe lights, sticks and paper. It was actually good ! 

That night, I went into the cabins and drew on the kids face :L I always do this lol

Sunday - 23/09/2012

 We had our cooking competition this time. Let the TN CHIEF START ! Each group had to cook something and decorate their tables. The good was actually better than last year LOL Maybe, they were practicing at home for this day :L Went back to church and had mass with the Bishop. Everyone was like sleeping in church LOL the kids were sleeping while the leaders were half asleep ish.

Monday - 01/10/2012

Got picked up by Hannha's mum with Mande in the morning since I had to bring my tables, chairs and esky over. Helped Hannah organised over there. It was a fun day ! Had waterbombs fight which was really fun. Truth and dare was after which was funny. Played the coffee game afterward with a small group and just activites outside. House, Capture the flag, Bin ball then charades. Goodnight

Tuesday - 01/10/2012

 Just stayed home and rest + cleaned my room up abit. 

Photo with the Viet Bisop

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