Sunday, October 21, 2012

I Knew You Were Trouble

20/10/2012 - Saturday

I went out to work with my aunty which was quite fun ! Worked half the day though, Linda came out to visit :) Got mum to take over work for me then I went home to get ready for Tien's. Myvy picked me up then we picked Cindy up, Off to Tien's we went ! Helped cooked the food there. Did a wonderful job at tasting the chicken LOL  Ate then sang most of the night ! Most of the old song which was quite good to re-sing them :) I love that riding thing that Tien had ! Everytime I am at her place, I always ride it LOL It was so fun when Mvyv pushed me :L Messed around with Myvy's jazzy which was funny LOL but sad at the same time :( Poor Jazzy !

Afterwards when most of the people left, We started to watch the *Horror* movie, Host. I didn't want to really watch it since I've already seen it and it wasn't scary LOL So I sneaked out to the other room with Mande and Ronnie. Jack tried to pull Ronnie and I to the front but he only managed to get Ronnie. Mande and I just chilled there with our iphones LOL until Jack and Denne came out and chilled with us.

Mande and I was hungry so we went out to the front to grab some food at the back without letting the others who were watching the movie know. We managed to grab a few food then brought it back to the room. When we got back, we found out that Denne and Jack were sleeping on the couch that we were meant to eat at so we ate on the stairs lol. Played cards with Tien, Mande and Vinh afterwards upstairs. 

Came back down to watch the ending of the movie with everyone else. The movie didn't scare anyone LOL Chilled and talked afterward. Mande's mummy drove Hannah and me home. Got home and my rents weren't even sleeping yet LOL They were watching tvb's.

21/10/2012 - Sunday

Woke up early and headed to church. Went to youth afterward and I had to teach my kids with Mymy, We really do need a Ht to help us LOL It was so hot today ! Came home afterward and watched my anime then took a nap. The nap was really refreshing since I had energy to go eat with Thu's family. We ate Thai food and we ordered a banquet when we had three people and one kid. oh god, 10 dishes was too much for us ! we managed to finish everything except the dessert and our tummy were like bam ! So faaaat ! The food was quite good ! Saw Lynn working lol.

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