Sunday, October 7, 2012

Skinny love

Cosplay dedicated to Tuannie
Got a called in the morning that woke up it. Andy asked me if I wanted to go Gold Coast with the Thieu Nhi group. heard gold coast and I was like yay :) Sacrificeed the first time I get to sleep in on the holidays to go there. We met up at Inala. It took us three hours to get to Gold Coast .... like hooow ! Wtf, traffic jam and got lost abit sighh. It was so hot in the car ride and we were all so hungry !

Got to pacific fair then rushed to the food court and ate ! Chilled at pacific fair and went window shopping ! Beach at Board Beach afterward ! It was fun ! Ran around the beach aswell ! Good hot day to go beach :)

And it took 2 hours to get home cause of the traffic jam again sighh. Pretty much spent 5 hours in the car LOL Went to church later on. It was quiet cold lol. We had dinner afterward there but food wasn't that great. Mary, Van and I rushed to Maccas then rushed back lol. Fun walk there :) Got there and chilled ! Everyone left cepts the adults and Anna. I stayed back with Anna since I didn't wanna leave her there alone and my mum was still there plus didn't wanna walk home lol. 

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