Saturday, October 6, 2012


^ Hope you like the lua thieng that we made for you !

I MISS YOU DADDY ! You better be catching heaps of fishes up there ! Your son, LAMSON WILL TRY TO CATCH FISHES FOR YOU HERE ! 

Sunday - 5/10/2012

Spent my day fixing my cosplay and styling people wigs. took a nap and woke up super tired ! WHYY ! Is it because of the hotness of my body? but it was hot today lol Most of the cosplayers can over to make house to get ready for Tuannie's Memorial Dinner. Got there and it pretty much a dinner with Thieu Nhi and his close friends. Rebbeca day was made ! Fun night ! Drank and dance on the floor ! Also sang haha :L GANGNAM STYLE YO !

Saturday -6/10/2012

Today was going to be your happiest day of your life :(

Woke up in the morning and the first thing I thought about was Tuannie and Rebecca :( then realized I have work so I rushed out to work straight away. Work today was pretty chilled but super super hot ! Vi and Vivian came and helped me worked and I taught them how to use the cash register. Work finished super late since customer spent like an hour buying stuff but it was big buys ! My uncle was happy on the inside but he wanted to go home on the outside LOL

 After work, I met up with some of the Thieu Nhi people and we headed down to the cemetery to visit Tuannie. Visted my grandparents there aswell :) Rebecca was there and we made a mini lua thieng for him since he didn't go to our camp for our lua thieng. We all wrote a letter to him then burnt it so he could read it.  It was quite dark there but at least I visited Tuannie and my grandparents today. Wanted to visit them ages ago but never had the chance to.

Went to eat with a few of them afterward at Sunnybank. Played the phone game again LOL Phone game is quiet good since everyone at the table bonds together more ! Had desserts at Snow Ice and it was yummy like always.

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