Thursday, January 31, 2013

Every Night

Went to Tafe and paid for my enrollment... frikken $1200 gone just like that :( I got home then showered and when I finished showering, all of the sudden, Hoa just popped up like how the heck did he get in my house lol? He was like, let's go and I have no idea where he was taking me. Got outside in my pj's with some clothes to wear and saw Mymy, Td in the car lol. 

We went and picked up Pumba then headed to the Nook's in Jindalee to eat but sadly, it was closed so we ate Pizza Capers. I didn't eat since I don't wanna spend me money and they offer me to eat but my mind was set to not eating so I didn't :)

After having dinner, we headed back to mine and chilled before the rest of the youthies came. Had a meeting for tomorrow since we are gonna be selling ! After the meeting finished, some chilled at mine and talked. After everyone left, Hoa and I went to le Gym to get le 6-abs (Anh Son way of saying 6-packs :L )

Time to sort out the Thieu Nhi Money for tomorrow Tet !

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


OMG ! Tafe today was sooo boring ! Even the teacher fell asleep while teaching us LOLOLOLOL After tafe though, I went to John's Surprise Birthday :) We took him to Little Lamb and omg ! We ate so much LOL He was so surprised seeing most of us since he only thought some of us were going to pool instead of making this dinner for him :L

After filling our tummy with so much fatty foods, we went and played Pool at Super8
 The dream team, Ronnie and I finally loss since we were letting John wins for his birthday. Birthday boy always have to win right? It was funny how Tony always sat down when a game finish :L Always man haha. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

So alive

First day back to tafe and arghhh it was so horrible ! On the way there, there was a car crash since the lights aren't working :( so we had to take a detour to tafe. Got to tafe and omg, the time table sucks ! 8-5 Monday to Thursday FML Someone kill me now ! Such a long term ! During our lunch break, Leon, Mark and I went to Corinda Tavern to eat but we took like so many detours since it was flooded around the area. 

After eating our cheap yummy food, our next stop was officeworks since Leon and I needed our stationary. Sighh back to tafe we went ! The last class, half of the class fell asleep lol. I guess everyone hasn't gone back to normal sleeping pattern lol.

Spent my night doing my Thieu Nhi Treasurer spreadsheet, Still procrastinating organizing the money for Tet :( I am just too tired and lazy to do that tonight.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Titans Cypher

We had a games day today at 11am at mine but barely anyone turned up so we headed out to Maccas to have lunch then bowling right after. Bowling was fun ! We gambled while playing haha. 

After bowling headed back to mine then heard news that Chi Quynh store in Fairfield was gonna get flood by the high tide so we went and grab bricks at Phap's place then off to her store. The whole Fairfield shopping centre was like a ghost town. We placed most of the tables and stuff up and place all the items in higher places. Yaay ! Good job done ! Felt good helping :) 

Came back to mine and met the rest of the Thieu Nhi group and we had our games night instead of games day lol. Played Bingo and I won more money than what I started :) Ate after then I taught the peeps who to play Werewolves and it was soo fun ! Not as fun as my Mafians group but still fun ! Then we played cards and bingo again and chilled. 

Crap weather to go out but it was still fun ! Starting tafe tomorrow and I really don't wanna go :( Also, stay safe everyone ! 

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Love don't cost a thing

26/01/2013 - Saturday

It was a boring gloomy day at work since it was raining. Hannah and Randy came out since we were meant to get food for Australia day BBQ for our Mafians group but we got lazy and didn't want to have a bbq so we changed it and got food for Chicken Katsu and our desserts we were gonna bake.  

We got to Mande's and started making our food and baking Macaroons. Just a cooking and baking day lol. The chicken katsu was sooo plain ! -Blames Randy again - LOL The Mafians group (Except Tony) ate dinner while Denis was just watching anime. 

Our Macaroons turns into super delicious cookies LOL. It turns out we made cookies instead of macaroons lololol. It was so goood though ! Brandan and Tony came afterward so we made Brownies which was actually quite good :) Yesss ! Something successful ! YAAAAY !

While eating our tasty brownies, we had games night. Played, Say anything first and it was actually quite fun then we played something else, I forgot the name already lol then Articulate after. It was sooo fun ! Games night <3 Also played Mario kart on the Wii and chilled at Mande's till late lol. 

27/01/2013 - Sunday

Hoa came over early in the morning then we headed to Church. After church, we headed to the Charismatic Retreat at Jindalee Twelve Apostles Church. It was the group of Thanh Linh again and people fainted and cry alot. Half way through it, Hoa and I came back to mine to take a quick power nap until we headed back to Jindalee Coles and got a roasted chicken for lunch :) YUM ! Then back to the retreat we went. Hoa came back to mine after to chill again. 

Watched the Finals for Tenis and YAAAAY ! Djokovic won ! It was a good game ! 

Friday, January 25, 2013


Spent my whole day staying at home and just catching up on Movies and Animes. Watched a few more Disney movies :) It was quite boring at times but oh well. It's good to have a day where I get to rest at home.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Woke up super duper early to go check out the Balloons Agency with Ai-van and Toan for Thieu Nhi since the upcoming Hoi Cho Tet is coming up. We got there and we had a look around and checked our old invoice. Bought half of what we got last time since we still have balloons left over from last year.

After we finished the job, Ai-van dropped me off at home then Td came and picked me up with Vi and Vy lol. We drove all the way to Steven which is in the Valley. Got there and chilled at his apartment and had breakfast there. Bacon and toast lol. Watched the Tenis and rest for abit until we head off to China Town ! 

We kinda got lost walking there lol but in the end, we got there :) It was spiting the whole trip :( When we just go to China town, Td's thongs broke so we had to go buy new thongs lol. Such bad luck ! 
After getting thongs, we walked around and show Steven our small China town. After doing heaps and heaps of walking, we decided to eat at King of Kings ! YUMMY YUM CHA ! Sooo goooot !

After eating, we headed back to the apartment and rest for awhile. Then off to home we went. Took Vy to work and on the way home, we took a long as detour as we were finding our way home from where ever she worked at lol. We said to not use our phone gps to find the way home lol. Took us a while to find our way home from just driving around lol. 

I got home and had a small meeting with Andy's and Ai-van at mine. Had dinner with my fambam then Td, Steven and Vi came over and chilled. Mymy came and picked us up for JustSoy Cafe :) I miss that place ! Still love it like always ! After having desserts, we headed back to Mymy's for Tenis. Missed out on the final match for males :( Boo hoo ! But got to watch the finals for females :) 

After chilling, we decided to play Justdance and it was so funny when Td and I did the duet LOLOL After dancing our hearts off, we rest and played Mario Kart and omg ! So funn ! 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Took 4 days off work to take Steven (Thieu Nhi friends from Sydney) out :) We took him to the City and South Bank today. What we did at City was, get free parking at the Casino LOL And Me, Hoa, Thang and Td chipped in $25 each at the casino and we managed to double it and got enough money to shout everyone lunch and pool :) The 5 of us guys were in the casino for like 15 mins while we made the girls (Vy and Vi) waited outside LOL At least they got free lunch from doing nothing haha. 

We ate at beachhouse and everyone had steak :) YUM ! After eating, we went to play pool and omg ! The game was so intense as we were betting as well lol. Sadly, my team loss the bet. oh Btw, Pumba came and met up with us. 

After playing pool, we headed over to South bank by walking... wanted to let Steven experience it and see the view lol Just chilled at southbank by the rocks pool and walked around showing him our crappy Brisbane fake beach lol. 

After this outting, we all headed home then there was a Thieu Nhi meeting at my place that night. It was a meeting about fundraising at Tet fest. After the meeting, everyone chilled at mine for abit until Hoa, Td, Vy, Mymy and Vi drove up to the Valley to visit Steven at his apartment. His apartment is so cool and cheap too ! Wouldn't mind staying at a place like that :) 

We headed out for late Dinner at Harajunku Gyoza ! It was so a good Japanese restaurant :) The logo looks like Reborn (Anime) Everything in there is so cute ! The workers was so loud and interesting ! The food was goood ! I like that place now :) 

Kinda got a rough plan of where to take Steven out tomorrow :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Little Miss Innocent

It was really empty today at work. Most likely the rain fault. Afterwork though, Vincent, Pumba and Mymy head over to mine and chilled for abit before we head of to Little Lamb :) YAAAY ! Little Lamb ! It's my Restaurant ! Got there and met up with the other Dt's and also Stephen from Sydney. The food there was good and also it was all you can eat ! Yeeeee ! Hot pot and kebabs :) Onomnomnom ! I like the orange juice there too ! After pigging out, we were planning on what to do next but Vincent's car which includes me decided to go home. 

Oh yeh and Hannah found this amazing app call Wunderlist ! It's so good for organizing :) 

Monday, January 21, 2013

Forever Now

Got a call to go to the coast with Vy, Vi and Johnnie but Pumba and I didn't really want to go. But I guess we ended up going to look after little Vi. We got there quite late since we left late.... Met up with the Sydney peeps then took them to eat at Mos Burger since they didn't have that down in Sydney yet. 

After that, we took them to Timezone while Pumba and I went exploring around Surfers. We found a new place that opened which was quite interesting. Came back to Timezone to play pool and other games then just chilled and talk afterward :) 

It was raining most of the day and we had to go home early so we didn't swim.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Virtual Riot - Idols

19/01/2013 - Saturday

Work today was arghh the heat waves again :( After work though,  Tony, Mande, Hannah, Randy, Anthony and I headed to Ronnie's for dinner then games night. Yolo, six people in Tony's car :L We were planning to go to Yedang but we didn't have enough cars since Ronnie's sister was busy, therefore we planned to cook LOL nek minnit, KFC hahahaha.

 After eating, we waited for the rest of the crew to come and just played poker. After awhile Brandon, Denis and Neilson came and games night started ! We played Werewolf's and it was sooo fun ! But it's a trusting game though but omg ! I loved it ! Sooo funny ! Hieu came afterwards since he was late like always. Played werewolf's for like a couple of hours then we played Accurate and my team loss by abit but it was still fun ish. 

Started playing with cards again and we played Baccarat and Blackjack like always. Half of the group left at 1am then we just chilled and talked until we played poker again. Mande and I was losing but we were actually hiding our chips and begging others for chips lol. Also stole heaps of Hieu's chip without him noticing lol. Games night ended at 3am :( Ended so late haha

20/01/2013 - Sunday

Today is the day that my Grandpa has passed away for half a year :( I miss him so much ! 

Met up with most of the Thieu Nhi leaders and cleaned the storeroom and cupboards ! It's so clean, neat and tidy now ! YAAAY ! We actually did it ! Thanks for the help guys  ! After cleanning and getting dirty ! We all headed to Sunnybank to get some munchies in our tummy ! Didn't know where to go with a group of 14 so we ended up going to Taste Gallery for dumplings ! 

After filling our tummies with fooood ! Nine of us headed to South bank for a swim. Ended up only two of us( me and another guy from Sydney who we are taking out swam) and as usual, I swam with no swimwear lol. The rest just chilled and talk there. No fun at all :(  Had a good talk with Phi who came from Sydney though :)

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Love Everyday

Work today was okay ish ! Went faster than I thought it would had but still boring ! It wasn't that hot today which was good :) After work, I helped my aunty do the photo slide again ! We finished with all of that. All we have to do is the video which we will do some other time :) After that, I planned the dates of our dance for our LBM. Such a busy man I am :L

Got a called to go eat ice cream at Milany. Vincent, Mymy, Thang and Td popped up at mine and chilled for abit until we changed our mind later and ended up getting maccas ice cream cause Milany would be closed. Decided to go to Ai-Van's place to do my dare and also chilled. Got there and did my dare :( Sorry if I did something wrong to you ! 

We ended up doing a movie night and watched bits and pieces of Pitch Perfect :) Oh god, why haven't I watched this yet, downloaded it ages ago and still haven't watch it until now lol. It was goood ! Start doing some break dancing with them and thinking of ideas for our dance :) 

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Pride ! 
I have quite a few things that would hurt my pride. 
I would try not to break a serious promise !
Always help a friend if I am able to do so.  
My family is my pride ! Family first !
There are more but I will leave that for later :)
Another day of staying home :) This time, mummy was home again and I helped her with cleaning the house. Spent my days watching anime and downloading some new music since I needed some new one :) Didn't take a nap today which was good :) No more naps ! I don't wanna go back into the habit of taking naps again. Watched Mulan 1 & 2 and it was goood ! Still loving Disney movies ! Wonder what movie I am watching next... hmmm ! 

There Within

Didn't do much in the day time today. Helped daddy mow the lawn then took heaps of naps throughout the day. Watched Beauty and the Beast and it was good ! I LOVE DISNEY MOVIES ! 

Later on during the night, had a poker night with Tony, Randy, Hannah, Ronnie and Hannah at Ronnie's. Played poker and I won $30 :) YAAAAY ! Played other card games such as Blackjack, Baccarat and Four  Kings (With water of course ! We aren't alcoholic !). It was so fun and funny !  

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I am the second prince of the Nguyen Duy's ! I remember who I am ! 
If only I was older than my brother then I would be king when my daddy past away :L
Another day of staying home :) It got abit boring at times but I managed through ! Watched 21 and it was an okay movie. Expected to be better though. I was too lazy to cook so I just ate a pie in the fridge  Must cook soon though ! Was meant to clean my room but it go more messy lol. MUST CLEAN ROOM TOMORROW ! 

Ai-van and Nam picked me up to go try a Capoeira class in Westend. It was tiring and fun but quite expensive... $15 for a lesson :( The first lesson was a free lesson :) The teacher is so cool and nice ! We learnt how to play Brazilian instrument at the end which was cool ! Sang alot at the end haha. It's good cause we are learning how to dance, fight and play instruments at the same time :) Not too sure if I should continue this class due to financial needs but I want to though :( If only I was rich !

Monday, January 14, 2013


Stayed home the whole day today and it was good ! Abit boring at times but still good :) Watched Law Abiding Citizen and it was goood ! He's so smart ! Also started watching Ixion Saga DT and it's so funny and cool ! My type of anime :) Tried cleaning abit of my room then got kinda lazy cause of the heat. Gotta clean more tomorrow :) 

Sunday, January 13, 2013


Today was an alright day :) A lovely hot day at the coast. It was my family, Nam's family and the Healthy cup owner's family. Got there and ate then took the kids to Timezone. Babysat them while watching them play lol and also played pool and MT with Nam for abit. After timezone, we all went to beach ! YAAAY ! Sadly, the waves were really weak and the rip was strong as fcked. Couldn't stay in the middle of the flag LOL. 

Went up early and couldn't find any showers lol so we were pretty much sticky for the rest of the day. Decided to go to the park to play but the kids fell asleep so we drove all the way back to Sunnybank for dinner at Little Taipei. Got there and ordered like twelve meals of steak LOL The owner looked really happy :L After eating our yummy steak, we headed to Sakuraya and drank. 

Afterward, Thang and Td picked Nam and me up and we headed to Super8 :) Just playing pool like back in the old days :L We had a bet and sadly, Thang and I loss :( Nuuuu our lives are over ! After playing, we went to maccas to grab munchies then chilled at mine. 

Today has been a tiring day and so sticky for most of the trip lol. Feels so good when I took the shower :)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Bad Habit

Kyooot !
OMGAWD ! It was super duper hot today ! I pretty much died with my aunty at work LOL We ended up closing abit earlier since all the other stores close early too lol Too much heat for people to handle :L

After work, I helped my Aunty choose out photo's for her husband's 50th birthday & her daugther 21st Birthday. Scanned heaps of them and we only finished half way. Gonna spend another night doing it tomorrow :) Got a called to go to 6 degree at Indooroopilly. Got there and drank/eat. Talk for quite awhile too :)

Playing with my heart

Woke up super early to mow one of my neighbours lawn. Earned $50 in two hours but man ! It was so frikken hot ! Felt so good when I finished ! They have so much grass ! After getting the job done, I chilled at home for most of the day ! Felt so good being home alone and pumping some music :) Even made time to steam and cook some food for myself :) Enjoyed eating the food that I made but I hate the cleaning up part lol

During the night, I went to Andy's house for a Thieu Nhi meeting. Went there earlier than the rest of the group since we had a pre meeting with the Ban quan tri (Five people of the table of Thieu Nhi - Savio) ps. I am part of it now :( Got the name of Treasurer lol aka The money man ! 

The meeting went on for awhile until the rest of the leaders came then we had another meeting with them. It was mainly a meeting for what's gonna happen with the youth in the year of 2013 :) 

After the meeting, we took a look at the photos from our Nang Hong/Sydney trip :) After that, alot of them went home and a few of us went to Sunnybank to eat ! Onomnomnom ! I got so fulled over Rice with four treasures ! :) So goood ! <-- probs cause I was super hungry LOL

Thursday, January 10, 2013

No one knows who we are

Quynh is awesome.
Another day at work, another dollar ! Another moment of falling asleep LOL Oh man, this heat is making me sleepier every day ! Went and bought some healthy food :) Now, all I need to do is cook them up :) so lazy though :( no Lam ! You can't afford to be lazy this year !

I am so glad I am not working tomorrow but daddy told me I have to wake up early to mow the lawn :( My only day to sleep in and I have to wake up early :( So gaaaay ! 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Come and get it

Kawaii ! 
Work today was the worst ! The heat and the boring-ness actually made me fell asleep for like a min lol. My uncle even went to the back of the store to sleep LOL. The heat was arghh ! Burning as hell !

Managed to get a 10 mins nap this afternoon which felt good :) Tonight, I am just organizing my computer files :) Need to have a good organised computer so I can find my files faster when needed :) 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Final Hour

So frikken sexy !!
Back to work today was really tiring and crappy :( Almost fell asleep cause of the emptiness and heat. I hate work ! After work, the whole family gather to have a family dinner at my aunty's. We ate and chilled :) I got pushed into the pool then afterward, most of the kids jumped in to play :) It was so fuuun ! I wish my house has a pool !

 We were swimming and playing around while the adults were playing Bao Cua and gambling :L Funny thing is that none of us had spare clothing's so we had to borrowed our cousins, uncle and aunty clothes lol. It was a fun night :) Good family bonding !! 

It's 37 degrees tomorrow and I really really don't wanna work :( Someone save meeee ! 

Monday, January 7, 2013

Positive Vibe

Spent most of my day cleaning my room and watching anime. It was pretty chill ! Got to catch up on most of my animes which was good ! Managed to clean my wardrobe abit which is good cause it has been so messy in there :) Still got heaps more to clean in my room but I'll save that for another day :) It feels so good to be home alone and peaceful :)

Later on during the night, Went to watch the Hobbit with le family. Picked up the cousins then off to Indro we went ! The movie was pretty goood but too bad it was only part 1 :( 

Sunday, January 6, 2013


I've been in Sydney for the past 10 days so get ready for a super long post ! Gonna try to simplfied it and make it super small :L I will try my best guise !

Btw, I will add more details to this tomorrow :)

24/12/2012 - Monday

Went to Christmas mass then after church, my whole family gathered at mine to celebrate Christmas. We ater and opened our presnts and talked as a family :) It was quite good :)

25/12/2012 - Tuesday

Went to mass and ate there then off to Thieu Nhi Chrismas party at Phap's place. Played Dirty Santa there and stayed there till 2am then off to Sydney we go on le Mini-Bus !

26/12/2012 - Wednesday

Pretty much spent most of our day on the bus lol. Took a few pit stops for toilets and food. The seat was so uncomfortable :( 16 hours bus ride from Brisbane to Sydney. We got to the Trung Tam in Bringelly in Sydney and the Sydney people greeted us :) They were so friendly ! Went to mass there and slept in the hall with a bunch of other youthies from all over Australia.

For most of the camp, I am gonna take away alot of details cause we did waii too much ! 

27/12/2012 - Thursday

Woke up and we official started our Nang Hong 13 National Camp ! All the Sydney Xu Doan (Branches) did a performance for each of the visiting Xu Doan :) It was quite good ! Our Xu Doan was is "Savio" and we are from BRISBANE ! BRISBANE FTW ! Before the camp starts, everyone did their exams. 

We got put into our groups of random's over youthies from all over Australia. My group name was called "Augestino". Auguestino FTW ! Did activites and so and so then had mass with the Cardinal. I finally met a Cardinal :)  

28/12/2012 - Friday

Learn and studied and such and such. Everyone performed their group skits and it was so funny :) Met alot of new youthies around Australia and became friends with them :) 

29/12/2012 - Saturday

They woke everyone up so early at around like 3 or 4 in the morning and made us walked blindfolded for 40 mins.... It was so a long walk. After the walk, we had breakfast and mass. Then just had lessons and such and such again. At night, we had our Lua Thieng night and did our campfire routine  Performed our group skits there.

30/12/2012 - Sunday

Woke up and we started our Big game ! It was so dirty though. had to swam in a mud pool and so. Ran everywhere since it was pretty much like amazing race in your group. It was really really fun though. But so so dirty ! After the game, everyone was desbreatlyed to take a shower. There wasn't enough showers for everyone so the boys took a hose and made their own out door shower lol. 

Later on during the night, Every Xu Doan did they best performace and OMG ! It was quite gooood ! 
Camp officially ended afterward but Savio ( My Xu Doan) Stayed back and slept there for one more night.

31/12/2012 - Monday

Woke up and help TN pack up the Tents and gateways. Cleaned up also ! After cleaning up, we headed to Bankstown for Lunch and Desserts ! Went back to the place we were staying and the condition of that house was too crappy so we ended up living in a Kindergarden. It was like the best place to play for a kid ! Little cutties toliets and ballpit :) 

At night, we walked to the train station as our Savio Brisbane team. Met up with a few other Xu doan's then went for a massive walk at Cliff-edge  It was such a long walk ! bought two trolleys full of food and drinks lol. We got to a riverbed part of the river and it was one of the best view for the New Years Fireworks :) Spent most of our time walking and waiting for a 13 mins fireworks lol. Came home at like 3 and everyone drop dead lol.

1/01/2013 - Tuesday

Woke up early for church then we headed to Cabramatta. Ate and shopped around there. During the night, We all went to the TN BBQ and it was packed as ! Fun though, Just ate and chilled.

2/01/2013 - Wednesday

Thank you for the Birthday Wishes ! 

Went to Bondi Junction to shopped at Westfield and OMG ! It's so so big ! Didn't managed to go shopping everywhere ! There were like 5 different floors and each floors has different kinds of stores. Like expensive stores at the top to cheap stores in the bottom level. There's a Food store for David Jones and a kg of a chocalate costed $120. DAMNN ! I would never buy something like that.

 After shopping we headed to the beach and played Ooooo since it was such a crappy cold weather :( It was super windy and cold ! After playing Oooo only 4 of us went for a quick dip in the beach. It was super cold but Yolo ! waited for the bus then we headed to the Opera house and went for a long walk to Darlning Harbour for some ribs at Hurricane. Walked back to the bus and headed to China town for a quick visit. Tried this N2 icecream and it was pretty weird how they used this machine to make it. All smoky and cool !

3/01/2013 - Thursday

Our group went to the Blue Mountain and only a few of us went for the walks while the rest played cards lol. It was quite a fun walk ! Got to the look out area and took the cable car and train down and up :) It was short but the view was good :) 

We went and ate some BBQ with Chi Ly's :) After bbq, half of the group went to Bowling while the other half went home. Bowling was alright, My shoe size were 2.... LOL.

4/01/2013 - Friday

Went to Paddy's market and shopped around ! After the markets, Anh Thanh took us to the fish Markets and OMG ! The fish and chips was the best I ever had before ! So gooood ! It was super fresh aswell ! Onomnomnomnom ! Yum yum Yummy ! after the markets, we came home and rested then half of the group went to Ice staking :) YAAY ! Ice staking ! It was quite fun ! 

After ice staking, everyone went to sleep except Martin, Mymy, Phap and Me. We stayed up talking. It hits 3am and we woke up everyone else so they could bring their lagguage to the bus so we could go back home to Brisbane :)

5/01/2013 - Saturday

Another long bus ride home :( Never again :L We stopped at Newcastle and went to a sanddune and played around :) which was fun ! then off to the bus ride again :( Got home and everyone was so happy to be back in Inala LOL. 

6/01/2013 - Sunday

Woke up early and went to church, helped daddy fixed the garage and unpacked and washed my clothings. Went out with Ai-van's family for dinner and ice cream at night.