Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Took 4 days off work to take Steven (Thieu Nhi friends from Sydney) out :) We took him to the City and South Bank today. What we did at City was, get free parking at the Casino LOL And Me, Hoa, Thang and Td chipped in $25 each at the casino and we managed to double it and got enough money to shout everyone lunch and pool :) The 5 of us guys were in the casino for like 15 mins while we made the girls (Vy and Vi) waited outside LOL At least they got free lunch from doing nothing haha. 

We ate at beachhouse and everyone had steak :) YUM ! After eating, we went to play pool and omg ! The game was so intense as we were betting as well lol. Sadly, my team loss the bet. oh Btw, Pumba came and met up with us. 

After playing pool, we headed over to South bank by walking... wanted to let Steven experience it and see the view lol Just chilled at southbank by the rocks pool and walked around showing him our crappy Brisbane fake beach lol. 

After this outting, we all headed home then there was a Thieu Nhi meeting at my place that night. It was a meeting about fundraising at Tet fest. After the meeting, everyone chilled at mine for abit until Hoa, Td, Vy, Mymy and Vi drove up to the Valley to visit Steven at his apartment. His apartment is so cool and cheap too ! Wouldn't mind staying at a place like that :) 

We headed out for late Dinner at Harajunku Gyoza ! It was so a good Japanese restaurant :) The logo looks like Reborn (Anime) Everything in there is so cute ! The workers was so loud and interesting ! The food was goood ! I like that place now :) 

Kinda got a rough plan of where to take Steven out tomorrow :)

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