Monday, January 28, 2013

Titans Cypher

We had a games day today at 11am at mine but barely anyone turned up so we headed out to Maccas to have lunch then bowling right after. Bowling was fun ! We gambled while playing haha. 

After bowling headed back to mine then heard news that Chi Quynh store in Fairfield was gonna get flood by the high tide so we went and grab bricks at Phap's place then off to her store. The whole Fairfield shopping centre was like a ghost town. We placed most of the tables and stuff up and place all the items in higher places. Yaay ! Good job done ! Felt good helping :) 

Came back to mine and met the rest of the Thieu Nhi group and we had our games night instead of games day lol. Played Bingo and I won more money than what I started :) Ate after then I taught the peeps who to play Werewolves and it was soo fun ! Not as fun as my Mafians group but still fun ! Then we played cards and bingo again and chilled. 

Crap weather to go out but it was still fun ! Starting tafe tomorrow and I really don't wanna go :( Also, stay safe everyone ! 

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