Saturday, January 19, 2013

Love Everyday

Work today was okay ish ! Went faster than I thought it would had but still boring ! It wasn't that hot today which was good :) After work, I helped my aunty do the photo slide again ! We finished with all of that. All we have to do is the video which we will do some other time :) After that, I planned the dates of our dance for our LBM. Such a busy man I am :L

Got a called to go eat ice cream at Milany. Vincent, Mymy, Thang and Td popped up at mine and chilled for abit until we changed our mind later and ended up getting maccas ice cream cause Milany would be closed. Decided to go to Ai-Van's place to do my dare and also chilled. Got there and did my dare :( Sorry if I did something wrong to you ! 

We ended up doing a movie night and watched bits and pieces of Pitch Perfect :) Oh god, why haven't I watched this yet, downloaded it ages ago and still haven't watch it until now lol. It was goood ! Start doing some break dancing with them and thinking of ideas for our dance :) 

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