Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Final Hour

So frikken sexy !!
Back to work today was really tiring and crappy :( Almost fell asleep cause of the emptiness and heat. I hate work ! After work, the whole family gather to have a family dinner at my aunty's. We ate and chilled :) I got pushed into the pool then afterward, most of the kids jumped in to play :) It was so fuuun ! I wish my house has a pool !

 We were swimming and playing around while the adults were playing Bao Cua and gambling :L Funny thing is that none of us had spare clothing's so we had to borrowed our cousins, uncle and aunty clothes lol. It was a fun night :) Good family bonding !! 

It's 37 degrees tomorrow and I really really don't wanna work :( Someone save meeee ! 

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