Sunday, January 13, 2013


Today was an alright day :) A lovely hot day at the coast. It was my family, Nam's family and the Healthy cup owner's family. Got there and ate then took the kids to Timezone. Babysat them while watching them play lol and also played pool and MT with Nam for abit. After timezone, we all went to beach ! YAAAY ! Sadly, the waves were really weak and the rip was strong as fcked. Couldn't stay in the middle of the flag LOL. 

Went up early and couldn't find any showers lol so we were pretty much sticky for the rest of the day. Decided to go to the park to play but the kids fell asleep so we drove all the way back to Sunnybank for dinner at Little Taipei. Got there and ordered like twelve meals of steak LOL The owner looked really happy :L After eating our yummy steak, we headed to Sakuraya and drank. 

Afterward, Thang and Td picked Nam and me up and we headed to Super8 :) Just playing pool like back in the old days :L We had a bet and sadly, Thang and I loss :( Nuuuu our lives are over ! After playing, we went to maccas to grab munchies then chilled at mine. 

Today has been a tiring day and so sticky for most of the trip lol. Feels so good when I took the shower :)

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