Saturday, January 12, 2013

Playing with my heart

Woke up super early to mow one of my neighbours lawn. Earned $50 in two hours but man ! It was so frikken hot ! Felt so good when I finished ! They have so much grass ! After getting the job done, I chilled at home for most of the day ! Felt so good being home alone and pumping some music :) Even made time to steam and cook some food for myself :) Enjoyed eating the food that I made but I hate the cleaning up part lol

During the night, I went to Andy's house for a Thieu Nhi meeting. Went there earlier than the rest of the group since we had a pre meeting with the Ban quan tri (Five people of the table of Thieu Nhi - Savio) ps. I am part of it now :( Got the name of Treasurer lol aka The money man ! 

The meeting went on for awhile until the rest of the leaders came then we had another meeting with them. It was mainly a meeting for what's gonna happen with the youth in the year of 2013 :) 

After the meeting, we took a look at the photos from our Nang Hong/Sydney trip :) After that, alot of them went home and a few of us went to Sunnybank to eat ! Onomnomnom ! I got so fulled over Rice with four treasures ! :) So goood ! <-- probs cause I was super hungry LOL

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