Sunday, January 20, 2013

Virtual Riot - Idols

19/01/2013 - Saturday

Work today was arghh the heat waves again :( After work though,  Tony, Mande, Hannah, Randy, Anthony and I headed to Ronnie's for dinner then games night. Yolo, six people in Tony's car :L We were planning to go to Yedang but we didn't have enough cars since Ronnie's sister was busy, therefore we planned to cook LOL nek minnit, KFC hahahaha.

 After eating, we waited for the rest of the crew to come and just played poker. After awhile Brandon, Denis and Neilson came and games night started ! We played Werewolf's and it was sooo fun ! But it's a trusting game though but omg ! I loved it ! Sooo funny ! Hieu came afterwards since he was late like always. Played werewolf's for like a couple of hours then we played Accurate and my team loss by abit but it was still fun ish. 

Started playing with cards again and we played Baccarat and Blackjack like always. Half of the group left at 1am then we just chilled and talked until we played poker again. Mande and I was losing but we were actually hiding our chips and begging others for chips lol. Also stole heaps of Hieu's chip without him noticing lol. Games night ended at 3am :( Ended so late haha

20/01/2013 - Sunday

Today is the day that my Grandpa has passed away for half a year :( I miss him so much ! 

Met up with most of the Thieu Nhi leaders and cleaned the storeroom and cupboards ! It's so clean, neat and tidy now ! YAAAY ! We actually did it ! Thanks for the help guys  ! After cleanning and getting dirty ! We all headed to Sunnybank to get some munchies in our tummy ! Didn't know where to go with a group of 14 so we ended up going to Taste Gallery for dumplings ! 

After filling our tummies with fooood ! Nine of us headed to South bank for a swim. Ended up only two of us( me and another guy from Sydney who we are taking out swam) and as usual, I swam with no swimwear lol. The rest just chilled and talk there. No fun at all :(  Had a good talk with Phi who came from Sydney though :)

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