Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Drove brother to work again and arggh it's so early lol. Took his car to tafe and omg ! There was no one there when I came lol. Everyone else came late hahaha. Typical tafe students. Left tafe half way through to go pick up Hoa then he came over to mine and slept lolol. That's Hoa for yooou ! 

Went to pick up my brother and dad then the seller of my car came to my house. Bought the car officially ! Yaaaay ! Afterward, did Insurance asap then took my baby out for a test drive :) Drove to Super Cheap Auto with Hoa to fix up a few minors things. Thang wanted to wash his car so we met him at the car wash in Oxley then yeeee ! Washing our babies :) I haven't got the chance to clean the inside of the car but I will defs do that tomorrow :) 

Monday, April 29, 2013


Woke up early to drive my brother to work since I am taking his car for the day. Drove home and slept straight away LOL. Woke up and drove daddy to work while I went to check Insurance for the car at RACQ and omg, it cost so much for comprehensive :( $3000+ FML. I think I am just gonna go one way.

I was meant to get the car today but :( It got delayed and I am getting it tomorrow. Making me wait longer :( Waiting like this is like waiting for a year ! Spent my day watching anime and napping LOL. What a non-productive day ! I needa get my life back and start doing something ! 

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Girls love

Thieu Nhi (Youth) was the usual today. Nothing excited happened. Afterward, I drove my dad to Everton Hills so we could attend little Tien's 4th birthday. Happy Birthday baby ! He's soooo kyooot ! OMG ! I want to kipnap him ! He kissed me on the checks when he met me :) ngaaw ! So cute ! Drove home and took a 10 mins nap before heading to church. 

Stayed back at church to eat for abit and chilled there for awhile with the others. Nothing else excited happened today. 

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Closer Faster


26/04/2013 - Friday

Today was fun other than working during daytime. Work was ehhh the same same as always. At night, our Malians group went to Ribs and Rump in the Valley. Met up with Nelison there and Danchi was also there LOL. We didn't know she was coming along :L We booked at 8 but we ended up there at 7:30 since everyone was so bored at home :L Turns out, they had a spare table so they just let us in at 7:30 :) 

Randy, Ronnie, Mande and I shared two full racks of Lamb (Me) and Beef while Tony got a full rack of pork for himself. The five of us ended up swapping around pieces of our rack so we all tried some of each type of meat :) It was sooo yummy ! Abit exxy but worth its price :) Onomnomnom ! Take me there again ! Good feed :) 

After filling our tummies with delicious foods ! We all headed back to Ronnie's place for games night. I told Denis to drop me off home so I could take my brother car since I was either gonna go gym or home early :L 
Drove to Ronnie's and we made chocolate fondue since Ronnie's have the fountain :) It was soo cool ! Taste so gooood ! Strawberry with Chocolate :) Yum yum ! 

We chilled around and played with the Piano before starting games night. First game was articulate but then it got boring since Randy quit half way :L Played one round of Mafias before Ronnie's parents woke up so we ended up leaving at like 12ish. Mafias was good but it was quite hard since Danchi haven't played with us yet so we couldn't tell if she was evil or not :L Good night !

I ended up not going home early or gym hahaaha. Drove Hannah home since she lived the closest to me. 
Got home and ended up staying awake watching anime :( I am such a bad boy :( Someone make meee a goodie pleasee !

27/04/2013 - Saturday

Work today was better than yesterday. Chilled with Tony and Ronnie :) also played boy with little long :) It was funny too how he threw the soft ball and it hit a lady head :L Had a good talk with Anthony tonight :) Nothing else excited happened today in my life :( 

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Lest We Forget
Yaay ! Public holiday today and ended up doing nothing really. Just stayed home with my family cleaning the house and rooms in the morning and of course, I did get my chance to sleep in :) After cleaning, helped mum cooked some food for lunch. Today was just a day to rest and clean up since nothing is opened anyways ! And thank you to all those soldiers who fought for Australia and New Zealand. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Arcade

The whole class was so productive for the first 4 hours of tafe :) It was really good ! Everyone just got down and did their individual work on the computer :) Maybe doing work is alot better than sitting and listening to the teacher talk for hours. I haven't enroll yet so I couldn't log into the computer but my friend logged on for me :) Thanks ! 

During lunch, we watched abit of "The Three Amigos" It was just a stupidity funny movie :L Our next class for four hours was a long as boring lecture so Trent, Leon and I skipped it and went to watch Iron Man 3 :) Yeeee ! IRON MAN ! The ads went on for so long though. Ads was like 25 mins lol. Longest ads EVA ! The movie was good ! I liked it ! It could had been better though ! Expected it to be better but still good :) 

Five days weekend? I think so !  YAAAAY ! No tafe until Tuesday ! Planning to clean my room tomorrow if I don't go out anywhere :) Need to be more productive and I need learn dance asap ! Gotta get down to it ! 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Circle Land

Welcome home baby ! 
Tafe today was boring ish. I managed to stay there for the whole day ! Yaaaay ! Most of the class left early since the topic was really boring and kinda useless but I am a good boy so I stayed. Nothing excited happened today. Watched Running Man with Trent during Lunch break. It's good to talk and see tafe friends  :) oh and during one of the class, most of the class was voting for the hottest girl instead of doing our work lol. This is what happens when we don't see any girls at tafe. 

Monday, April 22, 2013


^My car ! Reason why I bought it lololololol
 20/04/2013 - Saturday

Woke up and got my cosplay ready ! Went over to Vy's so she could do my cosplay makeup. Afterwards, we took a long trip down to the coast for Supanova ! It wasn't that great this year since I went with Johnnie and Vy instead of my normal cosplay group :( Still better than doing nothing at home. We spent our whole day there then cas abit before we left home. Walking around woollies with makeup on LOL. Most of the old people were avoiding me cause of my sword.... they thought it was real hahahaha

Got home and I just wanted to stay home but instead Mymy and a couple of others dragged me out of the house and we went to Sunnybank for dessert. Snowice and Ice cream ! Johnnie got me coffee and he knew that I quit coffee... Thank you Mymy for eating it for me and sharing me with her taro :) Oh and thanks for letting me lay on your thigh ! It was so comfy ! Came home and I was meant to finish counting money and write up stuff to teach tomorrow but I just died and fell asleep lol

21/04/2012 - Sunday

Went to Youth and did the usual there. Afterward, a few of us stayed back and learn some dance since we would need to perform for our LBM event. Thank Steven to teach us some moves ! We tried to pop alot to this kinda hardish dance but we couldn't cause a team so we changed songs into learning Wedding Dress. Still need heaps of practice but we will get there ! 

After dancing, Anthony and I haven't ate anything since breakfast but we had to go check out a car that I liked. Went to pick up my dad and hoa and off to the sexy car ! Got there and the owner was Chinese and his english wasn't that great LOL. The car looks good but it needed some minor fixing up. We tried to bargain it down but we only managed to get it down by $1000 and a 6 month rego :) I bought it ! Yaaaay ! New caaar ! Can't wait to take it home ! Left a deposit though, should pick it up in like a week time :) Caaan't waiiit ! Omg ! 

Got home and Anthony and I rushed to the Kitchen and made our own sandwiches ! We really need a girlfriend :( Need someone awesome to make a sandwich for meee ! Someone pleasee ! Ate and chilled then I went to take a shower... came out of the shower and evveryone was at my house LOL. Well not everyone but most of the dt's and even Andy lol. Decided to go eat at Sunnybank so we drove around picking up others who wanted to come. Got there and there was no resturarant that can fit a big group so we ended up Yum Cha :) Yaay ! Onomnomnomnom ~! 

After eating, we went for dessert and chilled for awhile until half of the group went home and the other half went to pool ! I, being a good boy and wanting to save money to give to my dad for the car, decided to go with the people who went home :) Got home and watched One Piece with Andy and that was pretty much my night. 

22/04/2013 - Monday

Woke up early and headed to Springfield Lakes with Mymy. Dropped the car at Andy's place and the three of us, went for a jog around the lake. Came back to Andy's house and chilled for awhile until we all went back to Inala. Got home and watched a few anime before I took heaps of Naps LOL Woke up so many time and did some chores then just went back to sleep. Repeated that so many time :L 

That was pretty much my monday ! oh and I practiced abit of dance at home which was productive :) 

Friday, April 19, 2013


Work today was okay, spent my time playing games :L After work, rushed home and went to church. It was such a long church again. Afterward, gym then picked up Randy and Mande to head over to Ronnie's to do last minute cosplay stuff for tomorrow ! Yaaay ! Supanova ! I am probally gonna redo Gin since I am lazy to do some last minute cosplaying ! 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Shaking Heart

Today was a rather boring day :( Woke up and prepared for Tafe until Leon wanted to go late. Nek minnit, he isn't going anymore so I stayed home aswell. All I did was watch anime and slept :( Such an unproductive day ! Went to church after picking daddy up and wow ! It was so long ! The bishop talked for an hour before mass even started...

And Zetsuen No Tempest is quite a good anime ! Recommend watching it if you are really bored. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Woke up and found out that Leon wasn't going to tafe so I ended up stayung at home until Hoa and I was bored so we went out to the city to chill ! Ate then we were gonna watch a movie but we have pretty much seen everything lol so we decide to Cas for abit. Afterward, we went down to Cyber Lounge and found out I have only a min left on my account. Today really was boring ! Oh and some of the new anime are quite good ! I can't wait until next week to watch the new episodes ! 

Found a nice car and I am planning on checking it out on Sunday ! Hopefully I can bargain it down :) Hopefully I can get it :) 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Lemme out !

ARGHHH ! Lemme out ! OPPS !
WOOO ! YAAAY ! Tafe is the best said no one ever ! It was so freaking boring ! I died :( Spent most of the time trying to stay awake ! Although it was fun to catch up with tafe friends :) Funny how some of them went to a party and got fully smashed :L

Left tafe quite early since Leon wanted to go Sunnybank and met up with Hoa, Denne and Jack for a movie. I had to go with him since he was my lift home :L We met up with them and decided to watch Oblivioon, at first I thought this was gonna be a good movie but it was super boring ! Arghh ! Jack ended falling asleep at the ending and he was snoring... LOLOL Hoa and I was like whose snoring... then we turned to Jack and Lmao ! 

After the movie I went home and ate a quick dinner before going to Andy's place in Springfield lakes for a TN-BQT + Upper Ht's meeting. It was such a long meeting but we managed to cover alot in so it was good ! Three hours gone like that haha. 

The rain/mini-storm today was weird ! There was such a small black patch of clouds lol and bam ! Lightning ! I really wanna stay up tonight and watch some anime but I had tafe tomorrow morning :( Nek Minnit, I stay up anyways lololol

Monday, April 15, 2013

Cosmo's Midnight

So today was unexpected..... Woke up really early and got ready for Tafe. Made my own lunch and prepared everything ! Leon picked me up and off to tafe we go ! Got there and found out that our timetable changed and we don't start till tomorrow so we ended up going home lol. Fml ! Woke up early and everything for nothing :( Got home and I couldn't decide whether to go watch a movie with some of the 2dn guys or take a nap. Decided to take a quick nap. I think I slept for 10 mins until Randy called and asked me to go to city with him and Mande. Got woken up so I ended up going with them. 

Bus'ed it there and first stop we made was to go grab fabric for our cosplay. Spent awhile at Lincraft trying to find the right colour and type of fabric  We had to wait for Ronnie to finish his exam before we ate so we bum'ed in the cosplay store. 

Afer bumming for so long, we ended up at Starbucks when we met John there. John was waiting for Tien while we were waiting for Ronnie. We ended up talking to each other for awhile until we left John and went for lunch. Didn't know what to eat lol Ended up in Winter garden and everyone just got what they felt like eating. Hanaichi <3

Went shopping abit afterward for more cosplay stuff then Cas just to get Bus/food money back. We all lost LOL. Came home and I was so tired but I had to go pick up my dad then pour petrol. 

I really need to clean my room before my mum tell me too :( It's so messy right now ! Gaaah ! Someone clean it for me pleasee ! I will repay you somehow ;)

Sunday, April 14, 2013


Happy 19th Birthday Sang !!
13/04/2013 - Saturday

Today was quite fun except for the boring part at work lol. After work, came home and got ready to go to Sang's. Brother took his car out so I had no car :( had to get Hannah car lol so I walked over to Hannah's to get her and her car LOL  We picked up Randy, Mande and Teresa. Made a quick stop by at a Liquor store to get Sang a Black Label as a gift.

Got to the party and we thought we were late but we really aren't that late LOL since they are also people who came alot later like always :L The party was good ! First, we just ate and munch on the Cow on the spit.  Then started the Alchy drinking ! I wished I could had drank... It seems so boring not being able to drink with the group :( DD right here ! Forever Designated Driver lololol. Took Teresa home early since she needed to be home early. Mande came with me. We stopped by at mine then I gave her a driving lesson. First time she drove a manual :) She stalled quite alot but after a while, she got the hang of it and even drove back to Sangs LOL. I just had to change gear for her though.

Oh and I heard Hannah singing the whole night LOL. It's always her and her singing :L And omgawd ! Tony was so fcked up hahah ! It was funny ! He kept saying " I am fine" but in reality, he isn't LOL Yacked so much and we even had to tuck him into Sang's bed LOL He looks like a little baby all tucked up :L Took care of him and also placed a mark on his arm to remind him who took care of him haha
After the party, a few of us helped clean up. 

While driving home. Hannah asked me if I should take my P's off since it was past 11pm and I am driving with a full car. I told her to take it off. 30 seconds after taking it off. I took a turn at a give way intersection... there was a in the distance... Randy said "Nek minnit, undercover cops car" LOL He jinxed it man ! Right after I took the turn, I saw red and blue lights flashing behind me .... :( so I pulled over and stopped but the cops car drove past me and stopped flashing.... :) I am so glad we took of the p's plate and I was driving a swift :) No one pulls over a swift :L If I had the p's plate on, that would be gg to my license ! two offences, driving more people after 11pm and driving with no plates :( = gg ! Dropped everyone home then took Hannah's car back to mine :)

14/04/2013 - Sunday

Barely any leaders came to Youth today so Thang and I had to take the class by ourselves :( We played alot more games than usual though LOL Me teaching = more games ! After youth, I drove to Hannah's to return her car then walked out to Inala to meet a few of the leaders for lunch. We ate at Bluefire Grilled and yaaay ! Steak ! Yum Yum ! Chilled out there and talked for a while. Came home and watched a few animes then just fell asleep LOL. Woke up and feeling so much energy ! And hello tafe tomorrow ! Are you ready to deal with Lammie again? Cause I am coming to take you down this time ! 

Friday, April 12, 2013

To Sasuke

Work consisted of playing Line games again loool. Chilled with Randy and Tony out there for awhile when they were out. Oh and why did people say Happy Birthday to me today? LOL It isn't even my Birthday but I will take it that I now, have a third birthday ! YAAAY ! Birthday No. III 

I was meant to go out with two groups tonight but since I don't feel like spending money or going anywhere ! I stayed home trying to do some cosplay stuff :) Cosplay sure is fun ! I love it ! I've been spending money on cosplay again :( Nooo I am going broke soon ! WHY AM I DOING THIS TO MYSELF?!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Come and get it

Work today was alright. Downloaded the Line App on iPhone then just downloaded and played their games. It's an interesting app :) Much quite like facebook. After work, I went over to Linh's place to feed their pets with my mummy ! It was dark so we had to use torches. 

Another two days of work then I am back to teaching at youth then tafe :( Dreading it already even though I haven't even started :( Hope you school kids enjoy your last few days of holidays ! And to you uni/tafe kids, Goodluck with exams !! You will need it :L

Can't decide whether I should go to Supanova next week or not ....

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Sorrow song

Last day of my holidays and I took Thu and Tai out today using Thu's car. We ate Sushi at Oishii then headed to Sunnybank Town plaza for desserts. Couldn't decide whether we should eat Berry Me, Coco Jungle or Meetfresh. We ended up getting more Sushi for Tai then ate at meetfresh since we saw that they have a new menu there now and yaaay ! They have waffle now ! Yum Yum ! After Meetfresh, we still have room for more dessert so we headed to Berry Me for healthy yogurt ! :) 

Went back to my place to chill before we head out to watch a movie. Picked up Huy then drove all the way to Brown Plains to watch Jack and the Giant Slayer. Got there quite early so we ate a few snacks and shopped around. The movie went on for long and it was okay... wasn't what I was expecting though... really crappy ending :( Yaay ! Finally bonding time since our other four cousins are oversea on holidays lol

Drove Huy home and ended up at Thu's place and chilled there for awhile. Her parents had dinner already so they told us to go get dinner ourselves. We ended up at Pho99 since it was close lol. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Give Me That Treasure

Got woken up to go mow Ai-van's house again... Sighh I hate mowing it but oh well. Went and did errands for my mum and helped her around the house. Went over to Linh's to feed her chickens and fishes since her family is on holidays. 

Went to eat maccas with the gym guys since it was Randy's birthday. Nothing much other than that happened today ! Just the same old same old at home :(  

Monday, April 8, 2013

Kaori Alive

Fishing in the rain like a boss ! 

05/04/2013 - Friday

Went to work which was okay ! It was the same same as usual. Later on during the night, went to pick daddy up from work then headed over to Kevin le's and denis to pick them up. Off to Randy's 19th Birthday party. When I got there, I didn't see that many cars.... thought barely anyone was there since I was coming quite late. Came in and wow ! So many people haha ! 

Typical party with drinks, games and chilling ! The bonfire wasn't that good since no one was even near it lol. Too bad I can't drink that night since I was everyone dd ! Drove to Tien's place so she could drop her car off and drink at Randy's. Oh and the food there was alright, he managed to pull through with that much different food he was cooking haha. I went into hyper/high mode for awhile since I took coke but it only lasted a while. 

Found out later on that Tina girl was gone so Mande and I had to take care of her for most of the night... Kevin also took care of her. Hong left the responsible to Kevin and me to take her home so yeh, I offered to take her home since she couldn't go home sober.... next minute, she stayed back at Randy's and slept there LOL... Sighh I was meant to go home early since I have a wedding tomorrow :( Afterward that we found out she isn't going home, I was planning to go home then Hannah died out and needed to sober up... gg ! Another person to take care of haha. oh btw, Randy got so fcked up haha ! Drew all over his face ! He finally has eyes now !! 

Stayed back and played cards until 2ish. Chilled for awhile. When we got Hannah to my car, Tony came out of nowhere and hopped into my car.... Anthony and I had to pull him out lol. It was a good party I must say minus the non drinking part :( 2dn really wanted me to drink but sigh ! 

06/04/2013 - Saturday

Woke up super early and got ready for the wedding ceremony ! Drove all the way to Mango Hills. My mission was to received the Pig and carry it inside the house ! It was quite heavy LOL Pigs are heavy !! After the ceremony, stayed back and had lunch there ! The food was good ! Came home and napped until it was time to go to the wedding at night. We went to Parklands in Sunnybank ! My mission again was to bring the guest to their table and get them seated in ! Mission accomplish but we had a slight problem lol. A couple was invited to the wedding but their bought 5 of their kids.... awkies ! The food at the wedding was good ! 

I was siting next to my old teacher that I hate... awkward ! LOL. Talked to him abit ! Also met some new people there :) The wedding was quite good and romantic :) Congrats Tracy and Trong ! 

07/04/2013 - Sunday

Woke up and since our Thieu Nhi plan was cancelled, a few of them asked me what is happening today and I had no idea. So Phap and I decided to go fishing at North Pine. Tham and her brothers and sister came. Johnnie, anh Tuyen, Anh Phuong and Phuc was there too ! We only managed to catch small fishes though but still good ! It rained haha ! Fishing in the rain like a boss yo ! 

After fishing, I went to church then afterward, went out to eat with a few of the Thieu Nhi peeps at Nando's since my parents was at a party and told me to get my own dinner somewhere lol. We just talked haha it was funny ! 

08/04/2013 - Monday

Stayed home and watched some of the new anime and slept all day like a bear :) After church, went with my family, Thu's family and Cha Ho to Little Lamb to lamb out ! ONOMNOMNOM ! So much food ! YUM ! 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Fly to love

Orange snail ! 
Last night, at around 2am, I felt something crawling on my legs so I jumped out of bed and turned on the light as fast as I could... turns out it was a very small mouse. So we decided to play a Hide n seek game. The mouse was hiding while I was the seeker. My goal was to hunt it and capture it so it wouldn't move so I could leave it outside the house. 

We played the game for an hour and I was using a fly hitter as my weapon. In the end at around 3:30 ish, the  mouse fled outside my room and so I gave up and went to sleep. Oh dammit, wasted an hour of my sleep time and I failed to capture it.., Man vs Mouse... Mouse 1, Man 0  I will have my remactch against it sometime soon ! He's going down ! oh I managed to land one hit on it but it didn't stop moving and hid away from meee dammit ! Why is there so many stuffs under my bed and in my room ! WHY!?

Well, today I woke up and had to make lunch for myself again since there was nothing to eat. Spent my day pretty much like every other boring day. Staying home and watching movies... So boring ! oh well, this is what holidays feel like. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

How to love

Stayed home and just watched movies again. Went over to Randy's at night with Hannah, Teresa and Anthony and maaan ! That kid is crazy with his foood ! So much food for friday ! :O It's like an all you can eat party hahaha. Managed to get him a birthday present while I was there hehe. 

Hope you guys have a better holidays than what I am having ! 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Fly to love

Spent my day at home watching movies. Went woolies shopping with Tony, Hannah, Randy, Anthony and Denis for Randy's birthday party on Friday  Holidays have been killing me ! I need something fun to do ! Someone take meee out ! 

Monday, April 1, 2013

J Reborn !

Fireworks during mass ! :) There was more in the background but welcome back Jesus ! 
30-03-2013- Saturday

Woke up and everyone left for work so I was home alone. It was quite boring then Hannah and I decided to go watch a movie since I could take her car out. We asked the group if they wanted to go but only Randy and Anthony was free since it was a really really last minute thing lol. Drove to Indro in Hannah's Swift. Got there and we ate before we watched G.I Joe Retaliation It was an okay movie ! Alot of actions ! 

After the movie, we stopped by DFO at Jindalee for some shopping before we headed home. Got home and I was kinda late for church so I took a quick shower and wore my Thieu Nhi uniform then headed to church. Got there and got all the kids to line up since we were walking the Bishop up. Sat in our reserved sitting. Church was long and awesome fireworks in the middle of mass :) Jesus is resurrected ! It was a long 2 hours of church. Congrats Rebecca, Minh and Anh Dai on becoming Catholics ! :) Welcome to the family !

After church, we had a small dinner there and I was playing around with most of the kids. We ran around so much ! I was so tired ! Afterward, some of the Dt's and Ht's went to Big Gun Yum cha and we ate there. A few of us afterward, headed to Market Square for desserts then we went and played Pool. Got home late and stayed up watching Anime

31-03-2013 - Sunday

I was going to go to the coast with my family but then the weather looks crappy so we stayed home instead. Went out to have lunch at inala with family. Family bonding ! yay ! Afterward, mum and I went out to check Ronnie's store then home we went. Got home and slept until it was time for church. After church, the girls wants me to take them out... I told them I am going home. They even went to my parents and asked them if they could take me out.... dammit ! So Johnnie took most of the girls with them since I ran away and went home. Got home and took the car and went to pick up Vivian then we met everyone at Oxley Maccas before deciding where to go. We decided to go to Sunnybank to eat. While driving, the other car wanted to go watch a movie, but I have already seen the movie on Saturday so Vivian and I just went to eat while the others went to watch le movie. Vivian and I couldn't decide on a place to eat so we just walked around. When we decided to eat at Mos Burger, it started to close so we ate at Cafe Mi. Just talked and chilled I guess. Dessert at Berry Me afterward :) Drove Vivian home since we couldn't wait for the others anymore.

1-03-2013- Monday

Slept in :) Yaaay ! First time sleeping in, in ages ! Loved it ! Spent my day at home watching anime and drama haha it's starting to get boring since I am running out of stuff to watch :( Another two weeks of holidays :) It better be fun !